Order No.1-16/2010-PAT(BSNL) dt 7.5.2010. As soon as we are in receipt of the orders , it will be placed in the web site.
Eventhough BSNLEU may say that they achieved it but it is not really so. As per the call of JAC, all unions went on strike on 20 04 10. Eventhough this was not in the agenda, this matter was taken up and it was also recorded in the minutes that DoT will approve it within 15 days. The word given was kept and BSNL CMD also never delayed the issue of orders. Without the strike on 20 04 10, it would have been delayed further. BSNLEU went on two days strike causing their cadres to lose wages which in deep thinking that is not necessary had they taken FNTO and NFTE to join with them in the struggle. Announcing struggles without consultation and calling others to join is not fair.FNTO and NFTE cooperated with the JAC convenor in terms of non executives wage settlement. We must also thank all other unions/associations who supported this cause.
The issue still unresolved is 78.2% IDA merger. Stagnation for some seniors will come easily when 78.2% is merged with the pay. Delay is due to that?
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