Sunday, February 28, 2010

Less payment of IDA

Write-UP on Less payment of IDA to BSNL Employees getting Revised Pay scales w.e.f. 01/01/2007 over a period of last three years. (By Rakesh Srivastava EX ADG, BSNL CO)

It is brought to the notice of all the Executives/ Non-Executive Employees of BSNL whose pay has been revised in IDA scale w.e.f. 1/1/2007 that they are being paid proportionately less IDA over a period of last three years as compared to their actual Eligibility formula based on the Price Index.

All the DPE Circulars for payment of IDA w.e.f. 01/01/2007 are based on the calculation that 78.2% IDA has been merged with the Basic Pay of the Employees as is categorically clear from Para 2 of respective DPE Circulars for payment of IDA.

Para 2 of recent circular of DPE for payment of 30.9% IDA vide F.No.2(70)/2008-DPE(WC)-GL-I/ 2010 dated 15th January 2010 states as below:-

“2 The above rates of DA would be applicable in the case of IDA Employees who have been allowed revised pay scales (2007) as per DPE O.M. dated 26/11/2008. 09/02/2009 & 02/04/2009.”

Above Para clearly states that 30.9% IDA is payable to only those who have been been granted revised pay scales with 78.2% IDA Merger. This formula of 30.9% IDA is not applicable for those BSNL Employees who have been given 68.8% IDA Merger.

If a proportionate formula for BSNL Employees with 68.8% IDA Merger at the time of revision on 01/01/2007 is calculated then past IDAs for all the three years are to be revised. Current IDA w.e.f. 01/01/2010 shall work out to around 32% of IDA.

This issue was discussed by undersigned with DPE Officials whereas they stated that pay revision should have been done with 78.2% IDA Merger as per their instructions and their IDA formula is based on 78.2% IDA Merger.

In case BSNL insists on 68.8% Merger only, as is the case at present, then IDA formula for the period from 1/1/2007 to 1/1/2007 needs to be revised by DPE accordingly otherwise BSNL Employees and Pensioners shall stand shortchanged in the matter of payment of due IDA towards salary and Pension. --From Shri D.D.Mistry through e mail,Gujarat.

Salem EC meeting on 27 02 2010

Salem EC meeting.

The Salem SSA, NUBSNW(FNTO) EC meeting took place at Salem INTUC Hall on 27 02 10 under the Presidentship of Com. Prakasam. Com R. Veeraraghavan, Circle Vice-President gave the inaugural speech. Com C Kamalakoothan, Dist. Secretary welcomed
the comrades .

After the inaugural speech, problems in Salem SSA were discussed.

The branch secretaries namely Com L Nehru-GM office,Com J. Ananthakrishnan-Meyyanur branch,Anbukkarasan –representing Namakal,G.Murugesan-Gugai branch,
C.Kadirvelu Omalur,T.Jayapal –CTO, V.Guruvayoor Kannan-Sevvapet branch,
D.Natarajan-Komarapalaym,J.Rabbani Basha-CTMS branch,

District Treasurer-Namakal Sekar,K.Ayyakannu-Dist.Asst. Secretary,Com.Mathialagan-Org. Secretary, Com C.B. Gopinath actively in the subject committee discussions.

Circle Secretary D.Chandrasekaran gave a speech underling wage revision,transfers in Tamil Nadu Circle etc.

The following resolutions were passed.

Abolish ACE 2 Accounts and introduce ACE 3 Accounts.
Regularise the contract labourers.
Transfers should be in transparent manner.
Avoid rotation transfers.

IDA from 01 04 2010.

IDA from 01 04 2010

Due to steep price rise, once again IDA for pre 2007 salaried class may get 7.4% and for revised pay scales , IDA may be 5 plus. This may increase further after receipt of February 2010 price index. This will be effective from 01 04 10 salary.

Non Executives 7.4% For Executives 5%

This may increase further.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Increase in spectrum charges

NEW DELHI: In a development that would hit telecom operators' profits, the government today announced an up to 50 per cent increase in spectrum
charges for all GSM and CDMA technology based service providers.

The increased spectrum charges would be effective April, this year, according to an official order/notification.

Telecom service providers have to pay a percentage of their adjusted gross revenue (AGR) to the government as spectrum usage charge. This charge depends on the quantity of spectrum allotted.

The new charges vary between 3-8 per cent depending upon the quantum of airwaves held by the respective operators.

As per the new charge, an operator holding spectrum up to 4.4 Mhz will be paying 3 per cent of the AGR compared to two per cent now.

Most of the incumbent players other than those who got licences in January 2008 are having more that 4.4 MHz of spectrum.

Similarly, for CDMA players with spectrum up to 5.0 Mhz will now have to pay three per cent of their AGR as spectrum charge instead of two per cent earlier.

The increase in spectrum charges will put pressure on the profits of the telecom operators who are already struggling to protect their revenues in the wake of intense competition due to entry of new operators in the field.

Telecom and budget

BANGALORE, INDIA: Indian telecom Industry, one of the fastest growing market in the world, which also has the second largest user base globally, is not so elated after the Union Budget 2010.

Except for a few good takes, the Union Budget, on which the industry had high hopes, didn't raise to the expected levels on several fronts.

A peak into what the Budget proposed for the telecom industry. Also, let's hear what the industry has to say on the budget.

Handset imports to be simpler
The Budget proposed to extend the benefit of exemption of Special Additional Duty of Customs (SAD) of four percent on parts imported for manufacturing mobile handsets from July 06, 2010 to March 31, 2011.

Ambrish Bakaya, director, Corporate Affairs, Nokia India, says: “We would like to thank the government on its proposal to extend the benefit of exemption of SAD of Customs of four percent on parts imported for manufacturing mobile handsets from July 06, 2010 to March 31, 2011. This duty was hitherto refundable on payment of VAT; this step will make the entire process of handset imports much simpler, facilitating better cash flow in the industry.”

Mobile Phones and accessories to get cheaper
The Budget also proposed a tax concession for mobile accessory manufacturing in India. The twenty four percent import duty on components/raw material imported for manufacture of batteries, chargers and other part and accessories has been removed..

“The will help bring more investment in the area to the country and encourage domestic manufacture of parts and accessories. It will help catalyze India’s emergence as a global telecom manufacturing hub, adds Bakaya.

However, on the other end, Girish Trivedi, deputy director, ICT Practice, Frost & Sullivan, South Asia and Middle East, feels that though the tax concession is a good move, especially since India has been trying to become a destination for handset manufacturing for quite sometime. However, without an extensive accessory value chain it will not be able to compete with traditional competitors like China. This is a step in the right direction, however much more needs to be done.”

Mobile phone rates to fall.
Gary Singh, country head, Obopay India, opines: “The Finance Minister's proposal to reduce mobile phone rates will propel the mobile banking market. With allocating additional banking licenses and capital infusement, it will become mandatory for banks to reach out to villages and include them in the banking system.”

“To reduce operational costs, banks will start looking for additional avenues such as mobile banking and e-banking to promote microfinance and also banking transactions within the country. These proposals will benefit the overall mobile services industry, by developing the local eco-system through opportunities to mobile manufacturing companies, banks and financial institutions,” he adds.

* Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) raised from 15 percent to 18 percent.
This would be negative for most of the telecom companies, as they currently paying tax at MAT rate. However, the surcharge for the corporates has been proposed to reduce to 7.5 percent from 10 percent, which will be marginally positive for the company.

However, there were also several other demands which went unheard.

Indian Telecom Industry's unheaded wish list:
Now coming to the unheard and left out wishes that the telecom industry was cashing in upon:(source: Reuters)
Extension of 100 percent tax exemption benefits under section 80IA.

Unification of tax regime from current differential taxation methods

Reduction in license fee to six percent

Tax holiday for mergers and acquisition activities of telecom companies to be extended till April 2010

Clarity on 3G Auction timeline

Increase in service tax by 200 basis points

Government to use Universal Service Obligation funds for rural and broadband penetration

Increase in Minimum Alternate Tax from the present 16.5 percent.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Report to Prime Minister about Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

बंगलौर: भारत संचार निगम लिमिटेड (बीएसएनएल) के मामलों पर संकट, पता है के सूत्रों के अनुसार.

उनमें से एक ने कहा कि दूरसंचार विभाग (डॉट) क्या बीमारी राज्य प्रमुख दूरसंचार स्वामित्व पर नौकरशाहों द्वारा संकलित रिपोर्ट प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय को भेज दिया गया है.

जानने वाले ने कहा कि रिपोर्ट के प्रबंधन ने अपने उपक्रम है निराशाजनक प्रदर्शन के लिए जवाबदेही और स्वामित्व की कमी को दोषी मानते हैं.

रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि नियंत्रक और लेखा परीक्षक दूरसंचार पर जनरल की टिप्पणी है बड़ी योजना में व्यवस्थागत खामियों, उपकरण और दुकानों अंक के प्रबंधन के लिए संगठन के मौजूदा संकट से बाहर चलाने के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धी वातावरण में विकसित होने की विफलता के लिए खरीद.

"यह (रिपोर्ट) बीएसएनएल की त्रुटिपूर्ण निविदा प्रक्रिया है, जो कानूनी मसलों में फंस गई है दोषी ठहराया, अपनी विस्तार योजनाओं में देरी के लिए," स्रोत ने कहा.

उन्होंने कहा कि रिपोर्ट सरकार की आलोचना की है स्वामित्व वाली जारी करने वाले किसी भी मोबाइल नेटवर्क और उपकरणों के लिए नए प्रमुख ठेके भी जब अपनी मौजूदा नेटवर्क पूरी क्षमता तक पहुँच गया है नहीं करने के लिए फोन कंपनी.

सूत्रों ने कहा कि रिपोर्ट के तथ्य यह है कि सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र की दूरसंचार कंपनी पहली प्रस्तावक फायदा 3 जी में (तीसरी पीढ़ी) पर कब्जा नहीं किया था और यह Wimax को दी पर प्रकाश डाला गया. बीएसएनएल 3 जी और Wimax निजी क्षेत्र के खिलाड़ियों के आगे स्पेक्ट्रम आवंटित किया गया है.

रिपोर्ट में कहा कि अगर कंपनी को मौजूदा तरीके से तो काम ए पर सरकार की पहल प्रशासन, स्वास्थ्य, प्राथमिक शिक्षा और ग्रामीण भारत में जनता के कल्याण जहां बीएसएनएल केवल सेवा प्रदाता की इजाजत दी गई है, एक झटका सहना होगा.

सूत्रों से पता चला डॉक्टरी रिपोर्ट निविदा पर ध्यान केंद्रित के लिए बीएसएनएल प्रबंधन की आलोचना करने के बजाय कंपनी के प्रदर्शन को सुधारने के चयन विक्रेताओं के पक्ष प्रक्रियाओं.

बाजार में बीएसएनएल के ग्राहकों की संख्या के कार्यकाल में स्थिति, हाल के रूप में वह अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी से कम नए उपयोगकर्ताओं को जोड़ा गया फिसल गई है.
रिपोर्ट में यह भी राज्य नोकिया की तरह दूरसंचार कंपनियों पर Huawei की तरह चीनी पक्ष विक्रेताओं द्वारा राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा समझौता करने की दूरसंचार कंपनी प्रबंधन स्वामित्व का आरोप लगाया गया है, एक डॉट स्रोत का पता चला.

रिपोर्ट का कहना है कि कंपनी की चेतावनी और सरकारी एजेंसियों से संकेतों की अनदेखी की है और अभी भी Wimax उपकरण के लिए राजस्थान और पंजाब जैसे सीमावर्ती राज्यों में Huawei पक्ष.

Report to the PM about BSNL?

Bangalore: Trouble over the affairs at Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) , according to sources in the know.

One of them said a report compiled by Department of Telecommunications (DoT) bureaucrats on what ails the state-owned telecom major has been sent to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Those in the know said the report blames the lack of accountability and ownership by the management for its undertaking’s dismal performance.

The report states that the Comptroller and Auditor General’s observation on the telecom major’s systemic deficiencies in planning, procurement of equipment and stores points to the management’s failure to steer the organisation out of the current crisis to grow in the competitive environment.

“It (the report) blamed BSNL’s flawed tendering process, which is mired in legal issues, for the delay in its expansion plans,” said the source.

He said the report has criticised the government-owned phone company for not issuing any new major contracts for mobile networks and equipments even when its existing network has reached full capacity.

Sources said the report highlights the fact that the public sector telecom firm had not captured the first mover advantage in 3G (third generation) and Wimax given to it. BSNL has been allotted 3G and Wimax spectrum ahead of the private sector players.

The report said if the company was allowed to operate in the current manner then government’s initiatives on e-governance, healthcare, primary education and public welfare in rural India, where BSNL is the only service provider, would suffer a setback.

Sources revealed the report lambasts BSNL management for focusing attention on doctoring tender processes to favour select vendors instead of improving the performance of the company.

BSNL’s position in the market, in term of number of subscribers, has lately slipped as it has added fewer new users than its rivals.
The report has also accused the state-owned telecom firm’s management of compromising the national security by favouring Chinese vendors like Huawei over telecom giants like Nokia, revealed a DoT source.

The report says the company has ignored warnings and signals from government agencies and is still favoring Huawei for Wimax equipment in border states like Rajasthan and Punjab.

Salem SSA EC

NUBSNLW(FNTO), Salem SSA is conducting Executive committee as INTUC Hall, Salem at 11-00hrs on 27 02 10 to discuss the following.


1. Wage Revision
2. Prolems in Salem SSA
3. Any other subject with the permission of the chair.

Circle Secretary D.Chandrasekaran speaks about the ill effects of second wage revision.

Telecom and Union Budget

The union Budget 2010-11 neglected the telecom industry's special demands. Telcos were looking at a rationalisation of tax and levies, uniform license fee of one per cent of the AGR. Telcos wanted a re-look at direct tax, tax holidays and section 81 (A), a re-look at licenses and indirect taxes. As far as infrastructure products are concerned, oeprators were hoping for a boost in telecom infrastructure and wanted telecom to be included as part of infrastructure, so that all tax holidays applicable to infrastructure are applicable to telecom. Telcos wanted FM to remove bank guarantees for telecom.

However, most of the telecos welcomed several initiatives by the government that will assist the country to see more investments and improvement in GDP growth.

Telcos welcomed the Union Budget proposals 2010-11 terming it as progressive, long-term and providing the right thrust on social sector development, education, infrastructure, managing fiscal deficit, simplification of policies and convergence towards GST and Direct Tax Code.

Sanjay Kapoor, CEO - India & South Asia, Bharti Airtel, said: “I must congratulate the Finance Minister and the government for a pragmatic, broad based and inclusive budget. Despite an abnormal south-west monsoon hampering kharif crop resulting in negative growth in the agriculture sector and double digit food inflation, the fiscal deficit has been restricted to 6.9%. A long term focus on aggressive fiscal deficit reduction, addressal of government borrowings and continued focus on reforms redefines our budget as a process rather than an event. The disposable income benefits to the "aam aadmi" - both in urban and rural India - should stimulate demand for service sectors like telecom which in turn contribute handsomely towards the economic growth of this country.”

T R Dua, Officiating Director General, COAI said that while at a macro level the Budget seems to be growth oriented, however the concerns of the telecom sector with regard to the high tax burden still stay unaddressed.

As far as the telecom sector is concerned, Dua said that while the reduction in Corporate Surcharge would provide a minor relief, but at the same time the increase in MAT from 15% to 18% is a major are of concern. He further added that the increase in Central excise duty from 8% to 10% is another area of concern and will lead to an increase in cost of service. The continuation of exemption from basic, CVD and special additional duties (SAD) granted to their parts, components and accessories of mobile phones is a welcome step and would help towards penetration of affordable mobile service especially to rural areas. COAI welcomed the impetus given by the Finance Minister to the use of clean/ alternate energy. He stated that the initiatives announced by the Hon'ble FM would encourage greater use of alternate / solar energy in the telecom sector.

COAI also welcomed the initiatives announced by the Hon'ble FM for enhancing Financial Inclusion by providing appropriate Banking facilities to habitations having population in excess of 2000 by March, 2012. Mr. T.R. Dua, Officiating Director General, COAI, stated that the target envisaged by the Hon'ble FM could be achieved by allowing Mobile service providers to function as Business Correspondents. COAI emphasized that the mobile service providers could easily leverage their network of about 1.2 mn retailers to enable reach of banking services to the unbanked.

Why not BSNL?

If truth be told, this is a historic achievement on the part of Tata Teleservices, imperative arm of the Tata Group of companies based in India. In accordance with its own revelations, Tata Teleservices accomplished the zenith of success through adding the greatest number subscribers for wireless services in the month of January 2010. Do you want a more meticulous estimation? It has come to the knowledge, Tata has share of 14.97 per cent among the subscribers added for wireless services in India in this month and this is a great achievement, without a shred of doubt.

On the other hand, Bharati Airtel has second best share at 14.31 per cent and Reliance has 14.08 per cent and all these stand for not only the Indian market ofwireless services is reviving but the Tata group has the competence to outsmart others also. Studies reveal on the whole throughout India in the region of 9.7 million subscribers were added for these services in this period. What has led this humongous success? On the word of company officials, success ofTata Teleservices in this segment can be credited to ground-breaking and economic packages akin to per second call rate and value added services launched by Tata tele.

Tata Teleservices trounces others in telecom contestBefore we move to the next pertinent issue, it’s better to check out the current Indian telecom scenario. At this point in time, among the telecom players, Bharati has the control with 22.33 per cent, and Reliance at next position with market share of 17.72 per cent. State owned telecom player BSNL has 11.95 per cent and MTNL has 0.90 per cent share. There has been another surprise. The major growth in newsubscribers was witnessed in Bihar circle where 2.2 million subscribers were added, followed by Uttar Pradesh (East circle) with 1.8 million.

Before I end, a question should be asked. Tata Teleservices has trounced others thanks to the able guidance of Tata Group. Will it be wrong to accredit Ratan Tata on the whole? Isn’t the same Tata that Ratan built?
our comment:BSNL has also done well in Bihar during Jan. 2010. When Tata can do, why can't BSNL?

Savings new section

The Finance Minister made two announcements related to income tax deductions that are likely to please many individual taxpayers. These relate to the annual tax deduction under section 80C, and health care deductions under section 80D. Lets show you how you can benefit.

Firstly, there will be a new section 80CCF inserted into the tax code towards a deduction in respect of an investment in long-term infrastructure bonds as may be notified by the Government. The deduction will be Rs 20,000 and this will be over and above the Rs 1 lakh deduction available under section 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD. It will be applicable from the start of the new financial year in April 2010.

As a result, you can save up to Rs 6,000 if you avail of this deduction by investing in long-term infrastructure bonds.

Secondly, it will now be possible to take a deduction under section 80D for contributions made to CGHS medical facilities (Central Government Health Scheme). CGHS is a health scheme available to serving and retired Government servants. This facility is similar to the facilities available through health insurance policies. The amount of aggregate amount of the deduction remains the same, which is set at Rs 15,000 per annum for self, spouse and dependent children, and an additional deduction of Rs 15,000 in case of an insurance policy for dependent parents, and Rs 20,000 in both cases if the insured is above 65 years of age. This deduction will be applicable from the start of the new financial year in April 2010.

Pre-budget expectations on what the Finance Minister might do to expand the scope of the section 80 deductions were high. Clearly, there was much by way of speculation. We’re glad that at least some benefits are being offered.

CHQ News-Meeting with Dir. HRD.

Meeting with Dir (HRD),BSNL
BWA Leaders K. Vallinayagam, N. T. Sajwani and SP Sharma , BS. Pathak (FS FNTO), RK Kohli and Islam, Secretaries NFTE met Shri. Gopaldas, Dir (HRD) today (25-02-02010) at his chamber and discussed the following:

1. Implementation of Transfer Policy in a fair and transparent manner without discrimination.
2. Early implementation of Wage Agreement
3. Extension of minimum trade union facilities
4. Modification in recruitment rules for promotion to JTO, TTA and TM for relaxation in educational qualification.
Fatal Attraction?

Q: How and Why Executive Associations are attracted towards Sam Pitroda?

A: It is a fatal attraction. It is learnt that Pitroda has suggested scrapping of GSM mega tender for the implementation of which executive association and we have been pressing for. It is also understood that Pitroda Committee has recommended reduction in retirement age whereas the global trend is to extend it. People like Pitroda who believe in, “Business is not the business of the Govt.” cannot help a PSU to sustain or grow. We have to find a remedy within, not outside. After consulting the other unions on the contends of Sam Pitroda Committee Report FNTO would strive for scrapping it.

கே:- அதிகாரிகள் சங்கங்கள் திரு சாம் பிட்ரோடாவின் கருத்துக்களால் கவரப் பட்டது போல் தெரிகிறதே?
ப:- இது விளக்கில் விழுகின்ற விட்டில் பூச்சிகள் கதைதான். திரு பிட்ரோடா செல்போன் சேவை விரிவாக்கத்துக்குத் தேவையான கருவிகள் வாங்க விடப்பட்ட மெகா டெண்டரையே ரத்து செய்ய வேண்டுமென்று ஆலோசனை கூறியுள்ளதாகத் தெரிகிறது. ஆனால் இதுவரை நாமும், அதிகாரிகள் சங்கங்களும் உடனடியாக டெண்டரை நிறைவேற்றி செல் சேவைகளை மேம்படுத்த வேண்டுமென்று வலியுறுத்தி வந்திருக்கிறோம். உலகமெங்கும் ஊழியர்கள் ஓய்வு பெறும் வயதை அதிகரிப்பது என்ற நிலை நிலவும்போது, பிட்ரோடா கமிட்டியோ பிஎஸ்என்எல் ஊழியர் ஓய்வு பெறும் வயதைக் குறைக்க வேண்டுமென்று வேறு பரிந்துரைத்திருப்பதாகத் தெரிகிறது. “அரசுகள் வியாபாரம் செய்யக் கூடாது” என்ற நம்பிக்கை உள்ள திரு பிட்ரோடா போன்றவர்களால் ஒரு பொதுத் துறை நிறுவனத்தை நிலைநிறுத்தவோ வளர்ச்சி அடையச் செய்யவோ நிச்சயம் முடியாது. தீர்வுகள் உள்ளிருந்தே காணப்படவேண்டும், வெளியிலிருந்து அல்ல. திரு சாம் பிட்ரோடாவின் அறிக்கையின் அனைத்து அம்சங்களையும் எல்லா சங்கங்களுடனும் விரிவாக ஆலோசித்து அதை கழித்துக்கட்ட தேவையான அனைத்தையும் FNTO மேற்கொள்ளும்.

பொதுச் செயலர்

Thursday, February 25, 2010

24 hours csc in Hubli

24-02-10: Are we running our CSCs beyond office hours ? Here is a CSC running 24 hours in Hubli. Thanks to the staff and GM Hubli Shri Sindagi for his innovative works.

The Dharwad SSA has 24 Hours customer service centre which is working round the clock at Sanchar Sadan Building near Railway Station Hubli manned by our own staff and giving best service to the public. It may be the only SSA and I can say proudly only service provider the BSNL in Telecom sector In India giving 24 Hrs customer service.On 20.02.2010 Dharwad SSA has also opened ATP machine here.


Promotion policy


BSNL Management Committee has approved truncated promotion

scheme on 23rd February minus Rs.9200/- and Rs.9850/- scales.

CHQ news.


BSNLWA representatives held meeting with Director (HRD) on 24/02/2010 and discussed the issues of wage revision, change in code of Discipline for recognition of Union, Transfers and change in R/RS of JTO, TTA and TM for departmental Quota. Further discussions will take place with GM (Est.) and GM (SR).

FTTH in Hyderabad

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited established its FTTH services to Hyderabad, as it is a major platform for IT and other business establishments. The twin cities will get flawless high speed connectivity as FTTH is based on the principle ring based optical fibre network.

FTTH is a self-healing network even if the optical fibre is damaged information will be re-routed through another line. With this credit it is sure that BSNL will get bulk of orders from companies to install computer premises equipment, which could accommodate telephone line, IPTV, and broadband line.

FTTH relies on a Gigabyte Passive Optical Technology (GPON) which supports download speeds up to 2.5gbps and upload speed up to 1.25gbps. FTTH is helpful for apartments because it replaces the need for installing copper lines for new apartments.

FTTH is more feasible and it also facilitates interactive gaming, LAN, VOIP service and video conferencing.

Promotion policy

Promotion Policy:- It is understood that Promotion Policy is cleared by management without Rs.9200-13200 payscale as the same is pending approval of DPE. After usual procedure the orders are expected to be issued.

This is as per the version BSNLEU CHQ news.

Delhi CHQ news

Induction Of Outside Talents Into BSNL:

As part of our exercise to arrive at a consensus whether induction of outside talents into BSNL is necessary, GS FNTO held discussions with Shri VAN Namboodiri, GS BSNLEU on 24.02.2010. GS BSNLEU also shared our concern over the matter while agreeing the failure of the present leadership in running the company. After consulting other unions some steps may be contemplated.

GS BSNLEU said that he is doing his best to get the clearance for Wage Agreement and also early implementation of promotion policy.

Board Meeting: The postponed BSNL Board meeting may perhaps be held in second week of March, 2010.. FNTO is pursuing for early convening of meeting and clearance of wage agreement.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sam Pitroda committee on BSNL tender

The Sam Pitroda committee has recommended that public sector Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) scrap its Rs 30,000-crore tender to procure GSM equipment for 92 million lines and switch instead to a managed services model on the lines of its private rivals Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Essar.

This is said to be one of the world’s biggest tenders in the category. As Ericsson remains the sold bidder in the race, it violates the government’s procurement rules that call for a tendering race and hence BSNL should not go ahead with the order, the panel has said.

A controversy over the deal had started when intelligence agencies disqualified the Chinese company Huawei from participating in the tender on security concerns and Ericsson became the sole bidder.

BSNL sources said the committee has recommended that the company should expand its network through the “outsourcing infrastructure” model.

Under this, the installation and maintenance of the networks is outsourced to suppliers such as Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Network and the payment is done on the basis of actual usage of a network.

The operator makes very little upfront payment to the equipment supplier and can divert funds to adding subscribers.

Communications Minister A. Raja, who confirmed the development, had wanted that BSNL to place orders with Ericsson and had even approached Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for this after an objection by the Chief Vigilance Commissioner, the anti-corruption watchdog.

The two government nominees on the BSNL board also raised objections to placing the order with Ericsson.

“The government decision of not allowing BSNL to procure Huawei equipment has stalled the whole procurement process,” Raja told Hindustan Times. “Now, it is claimed that Ericsson has become the single bidder, which is not true as Ericsson was one of the four bidders when the bids were submitted bids.”

The Prime Minister referred the issue to the Sam Pitroda committee. Housing Development Finance Corp (HDFC) Chairman Deepak Parekh and DoT Secretary P.J. Thomas are other members of the committee.

“We are not aware of this report,” said BSNL CMD Kuldeep Goyal. “However, we are prepared to meet the immediate needs of the company.”

IDA Pension revision pre 2007 retirees

It has been learnt from reliable sources that an internal note regarding the Proposal for IDA Pension Revision for pre 2007 retirees of BSNL is being circulated among the Members of Teleom. Commisiion for getting the same discussed and approved by the full Telecom. Commission.

After the internal approval of Telecom. Commission the case shall be processed and sent to DPE/ DOP/ Deptt. of Expenditure for their comments / concurrence/ approval etc.

After receiving all the inputs from DPE/ DOP/ Deptt. of Expenditure, DOT intends to move a Cabinet Note for approval of the proposal by the Union Cabinet.


After the Prime Minister's Office recently expressed its unhappiness over the inordinate delay, DoT has announced the fresh dates for 3G spectrum auction.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has announced fresh dates for 3G spectrum auction, after the Prime Minister's Office recently expressed its unhappiness over the inordinate delay. As per the new date the much awaited auction will happen on April 9. It would be followed by BWA spectrum auction.

3G allows simultaneous use of voice and data services and higher data rates (up to 14.0 Mbit/s on the downlink and 5.8 Mbit/s on the uplink with HSPA+). Thus, 3G networks enable network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced services while achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency.

Recently, PMO has asked the Telecom Commission, the apex policy-making wing of the DoT, to take all necessary steps to conclude the auction of 3G airwaves by March 31, 2010. The government is looking to earn around Rs 35,000 cr in the spectrum auction. It would help the government bridge the gap created by the huge fiscal deficit which might go more than estimated 6.8% of the GDP.

Some of the developed and developing countries have already rolled out 3G services including Japan, South Korea, China, Australia, Austria, Singapore. India despite being one the fastest growing telecom markets is yet to auction the spectrum. At the same time services like Mobile Number Portability are delayed. These issues are giving a bad name to the telecom industry.

As per the press release issued, the DoT will issue notice on February 25, inviting applications from the interested parties. The last date of submission of application is March 19.

On March 26, the government will publish ownership details of the applicants. It would be followed by pre-qualification of bidders on March 30. The mock auction will happen on April 5 and 6. Two days after the close of 3G auction, the BWA auctions will happen.

It may be recalled that, 3G spectrum was scheduled to be auctioned on 14 January, this year. But due to time and again objections raised by Defense, Law, Finance and home ministries the auction was delayed.

Interestingly, industry people have now started talking about 4G technology, an advance technology.

Telephone complaints-consumer forums

Following the decision by a Mumbai consumer court, consumers can once again approach the consumer disputes forum for redressal of their grievances against telecom companies.

After a judgment delivered by the Supreme Court last year, telecom companies were taking the stand in consumer forums that cases against them could not be taken up in these courts, and should instead be sent for arbitration.

In the light of the SC judgment, the telecom companies had been claiming that consumer forums had no jurisdiction on such disputes.

However, in a decision on December 31, 2009, Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum in Mumbai Central maintained that complaints regarding telephone services can be filed before the consumer forum and need not be referred to arbitration.

The complainant had stated that the SC judgment referred to a dispute between a ‘telegraph authority’ and a user.

The court agreed with the complainant’s argument that the telecom service providers, whether government or private, were not covered under the definition, since they were not ‘telegraph authority’ but merely licencees.

Jagroop Singh Mahal, president, Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum I, said following the SC order, cases against telecom companies were not entertained directly for four to five months.

“All these cases were being referred for arbitration first. But after the judgment by the consumer forum in Mumbai Central, we are taking up these cases. Last week, I issued a notice to a telecom company regarding a complaint,” he said.

Randhir Verma, president, Chandigarh Telecom Subscribers Association, said the judgment by the Mumbai court has led to clarity on the matter.

It is a welcome step that telecom users can approach the courts directly once again for their grievances. But it will still be best if the service provider itself redresses the grievances adequately, as per the guidelines of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. This will reduce the burden on the courts,” Verma said.

Achintya Mukherjee, Honorary Joint Secretary of Bombay Telephone Users’ Association, told Newsline over phone that the new judgment saves consumers from harassment caused by lengthy arbitration.

Cases filed against telecom companies relate to dropped calls, over-billing, unwanted value-added charges, false calls, and also cases against internet service providers, broadband service providers and DTH operators.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tower policy -TRAI

NEW DELHI: Telecom regulator TRAI will bring out a policy on mobile towers covering aspects like design, structure and erection by the

A senior TRAI official said that erection of mobile towers has become a big issue after towers in residential areas have resulted in standoffs between telcos and the Municipal Corporation of Delhi and TRAI would also consult MCD before before bringing out the policy by March 31, 2010.

The official said TRAI would take into consideration future projections of telecom tower requirements and identification of tower location, which would be the major focus of the policy.

Tower design specification and camouflaging, tower sharing among service providers, ensuring safe radiation from mobile towers, encouraging alternate source of energy for telecom tower to reduce pollution, Right of Way (ROW) for tower installation and laying of backhaul network are the crux areas of the policy.

Methods to reduce number of telecom towers while providing better coverage for wireless services are also part of the policy.

The regulator is also mulling to bring the tower business of telecom companies under the ambit of regulations so that the Department of Telecom can consider a separate policy for the segment at a later stage.

At present, there is no separate law governing the towers either on technical or on financial aspects even though almost all the operators have now standalone tower businesses.

Project Udaan Cuddalore in 5th position.

Project Udaan which is a part of Project Shikar evolved by Boston Consultants has received a good response from the public.

Project Udaan - provision of landlines . A separate team comprising of our staff has been formed throughout India to canvass the public for landline connections.

As per the information received the following SSAs have topped the list in providing landline connections .

1. Patna 2.Eluru 3. Erode 4. Coimbatore 5.Cuddalore 6.Trichy 7. Ahemedabad
8.Madurai 9.Vizianagaram 10.Kurnool.

Out of top 10 positions, Erode,Coimbatore,Cuddalore,Trichy and Madurai are from Tamil Nadu. Bihar tops in Cell and landline connections. But Tamil Nadu is also catching up fast. If in Bihar why not in other circles?

Monday, February 22, 2010

New norms for Telegraph services.

Vide letter no. BSNL ND 19-1/2009-
TE -II dt 19 02 2010, new norms for operative staff of Telegraphic services were issued.

TM exam clarification Jr. Sports Assts.

Vide letter no. 250-8/2009-Per III dt 19 02 2010, clarificiations are issued for determining the eligibility of Jr. Sports Assisitants for LDCE,Telecom Mechanic 2008 by BSNL.ND.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Puducherry Meeting

BSNL Workers Alliance,Puducherry is organising a meeting at Telephone Exchange Premises,
Puducherry at 17-30 hrs on 22 02 2010 to discuss about the effects of Second wage revision for
BSNL workers.

Com D.Chandrasekaran, Circle Secretary,T.N.Circle and Com C.K. Mathivanan, Circle Secretary Chennai Telephones will address.

Prepaid services in J & K

New Delhi, Feb 21 (PTI) Less than a month after lifting of the ban on pre-paid mobile services in Jammu and Kashmir, some telecom operators are under lens as the Government has objected to the manner in which the re-verification of subscribers had been done.

The government may also initiate legal action against defaulting operators, official sources said.

The issue of re-verifications reached the Union Home Ministry, which has sought a detailed report from various agencies in the state about the allegations made, the sources said.

The telecom operators of the state - Airtel, Aircel, Reliance, Vodafone, Idea and Tata Indicom - have been asked to submit details of the re-verification camps organised in the state, especially in Kashmir valley from January 22 onwards when the ban was lifted, the sources said.

Women and Cell phones.

Mobile service providers generally have categorized their market segments into urban and rural areas. But GSMA’s new research, ‘Women and Mobile: A Global Opportunity’ which analyses the nature of women mobile subscribers in low and middle-income countries such as Kenya and India, and highlights the barriers facing women’s adoption of mobile technologies may compel operators to alter their strategies a bit.

According to the research, there are 300 million fewer female mobile subscribers than male subscribers across the globe. The trend is more visible in low and middle-income countries where a female is 21% less likely to own a mobile connection. In South Asia the difference is more severe with 37% possibility that a woman is less likely to own a phone.

The low penetration among women means that there is tremendous potential to tap this segment and it is estimated that two thirds of potential new subscribers for mobile network operators will be women. In low and middle-income countries, women account for 750 million of the 1.25 billion adults. Revenue-wise operators stand to earn as high as $ 13 billion additional revenues each year from this segment.

Moreover if women gain access to mobile connections in rural and lower income brackets, they stand to benefit the most from closing the gender gap as 93% women feel safe on owning a mobile phone and 85% feel more independent. Additionally 41% of women report having increased income and professional opportunities once they own a phone.

“I am delighted that the GSMA is working with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women on this important initiative and hope that together we can develop solutions which will empower and enable women and address the barriers that have been highlighted,” says Rob Conway, CEO and Member of the Board, GSMA. “Mobile has proved to be a key element in today’s society as it is the most ubiquitous, connected and personalised communications tool that we have, and holds significant potential in bringing the benefits of connectivity to most of the developing world and reaching families at the bottom of the economic pyramid.”

Cherie Blair, Founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, comments,“Every woman, wherever she lives, needs a mobile phone. That’s the simple but fundamental message at the heart of this report. Women can use this vital tool to help unlock real prospects for themselves, their families and their communities. By being better connected, women feel safer, find employment, start businesses, access banks, learn about market prices and altogether benefit socially and economically. “Women and Mobile” is a seminal report that should be read by all who care about the life chances of women.”

3 G auction earlier-BSNL has to provide 3 G to capture market

Telecom Minister A. Raja has said that the issue of auctioning 3G-spectrum to telecom companies is likely to be resolved this week.

Earlier, Finance Secretary Ashok Chawla had said that the government was not sure if it could conduct a 3G wireless spectrum auction before the end of the current fiscal.

The current fiscal ends on March 31.

"I hope everything will be resolved this week. It is not the question of money alone. It is the question of utilising the technology. We should not be lagging behind the international community," Raja announced on the sidelines of the launch of BSNL 3G mobile services in Bangalore.

"Government of India is committed, whether it is finance, whether it is law. As a whole, Government of India is committed to have this technology at the earliest possible," Raja added.

The government was expected to complete the 3G-auction by March, and it had estimated in July last year the spectrum allocation could raise up to 350 billion rupees.

If the auction is delayed beyond March 31, India's fiscal deficit might go beyond the currently projected 6.8 percent of the 2009-10 GDP.

BSNL 2010-11 target

State-owned BSNL plans to add 22 million (2.2 crore) cell phone subscribers in the next fiscal (2010-11) even as it eyes a foray into the mobile banking and advertising space, a key official said.

"Next year (2010-11) we are keeping a target of 22 million mobile connections - 20 million 2G connections and two million 3G", Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited's Director (Consumer Mobility) R K Agarwal told PTI.

For the current financial year (2009-10), BSNL's aim was 1.8 million mobile connections, of which it had already achieved 1.4 million, he said, adding, mobile services business for the year ending March 31 was expected to be Rs 10,500 crore.

Agarwal said BSNL currently had 8.5 lakh 3G mobile subscribers, a number that's set to go up to one million (ten lakh) by next month-end. Average revenue per user (ARPU) from 3G subscribers is 40 per cent more than their 2G counterparts.

BSNL had commercially rolled out 3G mobile services in 318 cities of the country. This would go up to 760 cities by March next year, he said.

According to him, the price of 3G mobile handset is going to come down from the present Rs 7,000- Rs 8,000 to Rs 4,000. Regulatory support coupled with auctioning of 3G spectrum would lead to "real competition" in this space and a host of content services and applications would be be customised in local languages and for local needs.

Chennai civil wing conference.

NUBSNLW(FNTO),Civil Division, Tamil Nadu conducted the Annual Conference in a grand manner much to the appreciation of one and all at Sri Bhuvaneswari Kalyana Mandapam, Chennai 600 017 on 20 02 2010.

The conference started with flag hoistingby Com. M.Irudayaraj of Trichy. . Com. P Andiappan, Circle Jt. Secretary started the session stressing the need for improving the organization.

The seminar on the subject. “ Role of Civil Wing in Mobile Services’ was chaired by Com V.Venkatasubramanian. in the presence of Com. A.R.Kumaresan,C.Samuel,V.Chandran and P. Thirunavukarasu.
Com N.Needinathan ,welcomed the gathering. Those who spoke about the importance of tower erection : Shri P.K. Gupta, PCE (C)TN,Shri S.Pattabhiraman (CE) C,Chennai Telephones,Shri J.Ganesan (SEC)-AB(P),Chennai,Shri S.Chellappan ,SE(C),Chennai,Shri Srivesta, EE(C),Shri Narayanan EE Headquarters, and from Trade unions
Comrades D.Chandrasekaran,,Circle Secretary,S.Lingamurthy ,Circle Secretary,Chennai Telephones, K.R.Palanisamy Circle Working President,R.V.Jayaraman, Circle Treasurer,
K.Arumugam DS NFTE,civil,G.Vijayakuraman D/P NFTE Civil,K.Asokan SC/ST
K.Leninlaram DS SNEA,N.Narayanasamy DP SNEA. Com P.Rajarajan delivered vote of thanks.

The subject session was chaired by Com V.B.Rajan Coimbatore. Members from various places like Trichy,Madurai,Salem, Coimbatore,Chennai actively participated in the subject session and expressed their views on various matters. Com Parthasarathy Secretary read Secretary’s report and Com V.Venkatasubramanian presented the accounts. Circle Office bearers K.R.Palanisamy,R.V.Jayaraman,P.Andiappan spoke about the organization, importance of Oli Alai etc. Com. D.Chandraseakaran, Circle Secretary spoke wage revision, problems in Civil wing and our efforts in settling it,anamoly, comparison of pay scales in BSNL and MTNL.

Office bearers were chosen unanimously.;President V.Venkatasubramanian,Secretary M.Parthasarathy and Treasurer P.K.Kesavan
Circle Union congratulates all the new office bearers .Arrangements were done excellently by the Receiption committee headed by K.Ravichandran, President,Com M Parthasarathy,Treasurer P.Rajarajan ..

Pay scales in MTNL

Almost on the same lines of BSNL agreement, an MOU has been signed on Wage Revision in MTNL also. But in respect of maximum of the scales, decision on payment of arrears etc. a better & clear-cut understanding are the highlights.

MTNL லி்ம் ஊதிய உயர்வு கையெழுத்தாகிவிட்டது. பே விகிதங்கள் நிலுவைத் தொகை கொடுப்பது ஆகியவை நமது நிறுவனத்தை விட அங்கு நல்ல முடிவு எடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Board meeting postponed

BSNL Board Meeting on 23 02 2010 is postponed.

BSNL போர்டு கூட்டம் 23 02 2010 தள்ளி வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

National Council

BSNL National Council meets on 16 03 2010.

BSNL க்கு திறமையான ஆட்கள் வெளியிலிருந்து தேவையா?

Inducting outside talents into BSNL.

GS FNTO held detailed discussion with GS SNEA & GS AIBSNLEA. Executive Associations are of the firm view that it is absolutely necessary that outside experts have to come to rejuvenate the functioning of the company. They also cited several instances to justify their stand. Surprisingly the opinion of some ITS officers are also on the same lines. But DOT seems to be not keen on this proposal for various reasons.

However FNTO’s view is that much caution has to be exercised before making such a demand as the result could be disastrous if vested interest occupies the pivotal position in decision making of the PSU. Opinions of other unions will also be sought to evolve a consensus among the staff side.

Note: Members can send their views to GS FNTO,

German economy and trade unions

German unions flex muscles as economy stutters

(AFP) – 19 hours ago

BERLIN — Germany's powerful trade unions are flexing their muscles, pressing for wage increases and job guarantees just as Europe's biggest economy struggles to emerge from its worst post-war recession.

Pilots at Lufthansa, Europe's biggest airline by sales, voted on Wednesday to stage next week what is being billed as one of the most severe strikes in Germany in recent years.

Meanwhile, about 300 easyJet airline cabin crew walked off the job on Thursday morning at Berlin's Schoenefeld airport, causing the cancellation of seven flights.

But it is in the public sector that Germany's unions are making themselves heard the most, with about 120,000 workers across the country stopping work in early February in what unions called "warning strikes."

The industrial action kept buses in their depots, flights grounded, kindergartens closed and rubbish uncollected across Germany, Europe's top economy.

"In the private sector, unions have seen that the crisis left deep wounds last year and have been more open to cooperation," said Gernot Nerb from the Ifo institute. "But in the public sector, the unions have more room to act."

Talks between unions representing 1.2 million public sector workers collapsed this week and negotiations were set to go into arbitration from Thursday.

The head of the Verdi union Frank Bsirske called the employers' offer of a 1.5-percent pay increase over two years "utterly insufficient." Verdi wants a rise of five percent.

But the demand comes at a tough time, with the recession leaving Germany's public finances in tatters and putting Berlin in breach of European Union deficit rules for years to come.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's federal government says it will have to borrow over 85 billion euros (115 billion dollars) this year. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warns that spending cuts must be found somewhere.

Data showing zero growth in the fourth quarter suggested that Germany's recovery may be not as strong as hoped.

"In the current situation the unions have to be honest what their demands will mean: higher taxes, more debts, higher kindergarten fees and the closure of libraries, theatres and swimming pools," Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said this month.

With fears of unemployment rising as government measures including subsidised shorter working hours begin to run out, some unions are compromising on wages in return for job guarantees.

For example automaker Volkswagen this week guaranteed the jobs of 100,000 workers until the end of 2014, with Daimler doing the same for 37,000 at its main site.

And a pilot agreement announced on Thursday between employers and the IG Metall union representing 3.4 million workers in metalworking and engineering industries also saw wage demands take a back seat to job guarantees.

Unions are negotiating with chemicals giant BASF on a similar commitment.

"Since the crisis began, safeguarding jobs has been the unions' priority number one," said Reinhard Bispinck from the Hans-Boeckler Institute.

How much longer this can go on is uncertain, however, as Berlin seeks to balance its budget and as government stimulus programmes run out, and to prepare itself for the long term challenge of an ageing population.

Meeting with Secretary DOT-FNTO leaders

Meeting with Shri P.J. Thomas, Secretary DOT.

Shri K. Vallinayagam GS, Thomas John K. President FNTO met Secretary DOT today (18-02-2010) at Sanchar Bhavan and discussed the following:

1. ITS Absorption: Secretary said that the matter is being pursued vigorously with the Govt. for early absorption of ITS. ( A fresh Cabinet note is under submission, it is learnt.)

2. Pension Revision: IDA Pension Revision for BSNL Staff in general and particularly pension anomaly in respect of certain category was discussed at length with all relevant particulars. Secretary gave a patient hearing and said that the revision issue is being dealt with on priority basis. On the other aspects he said he will ask the DDG concerned to look into it.

3. Sam Pitroda Committee Report: Secretary said that the Committee has given suggestion for vigorous marketing to sustain and improve the market share. Beyond that he did not elaborate on other topics of the report.

The meeting between FNTO and Secretary was cordial.

K. Vallinayagam

Thursday, February 18, 2010

MTNL - Commonwealth Games

New Delhi, Feb 18 (PTI) The government today appointed state-run MTNL as the official telecom provider for the Commonwealth Games and sanctioned Rs 182 crores for setting up the necessary communication facilities.

"With this support of Rs 182 crore from the government, MTNL will establish an exclusive and dedicated telecom network to be obtained on Wet Lease inclusive of supply, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance and providing professional services," I&B Minister Ambika Soni told reporters after a Cabinet meeting .

The main objective of the project is to provide an effective and fail-proof system of telecommunication, she said.

This system will cater to the requirement of transmission of games data, security data, high definition (HDTV) broadcast signal between sports venues, international broadcasting centre and main press centre, Soni added.

Wage Revision

BSNL Board meeting is likely to take place on 23 or 25 th of this month,. Wage revision is on the agenda.

BSNL போர்டு கூட்டம் இந்த மாதம் 23 அல்லது 25 தேதியில் நடக்க உள்ளது. அந்த கூட்டத்தில் 2வது ஊதியத் திருத்தம் விவாதத்திற்கு எடுத்து கொள்ளப்படலாம்.

Modest tender

With almost a year gone by since it shorlisted vendors for its mega-GSM network contract, a section within the DoT feel that the PSU should go for a moderate network expansion with 10-15 % price escalation, reports news agency PTI.

“BSNL should go for a "modest" quantity instead of 93 million GSM lines with a "moderate" 10 to 15 per cent price escalation from the last tender in 2007, “a senior DoT official told PTI.

The Chief Vigilance Commission (CVC) has called for scrapping of the mega-GSM tender. But if BSNL goes for a fresh tender it may consume another 10-12 months for procurement.

"Moreover, it is not clear whether CVC is suggesting for snap bids in all the four zones or only in North zone where Nokia-Siemens have been rejected for 2G and 3G and West zone for 3G," the official additionally told PTI.

JAO 40% result

JAO 40% dept.Part II results were announced for NTR New Delhi.

Rs. 9200 scale not approved by DPE


According to reliable sources the DPE has not approved the creation of new

scale of Rs.9200-13200 of truncated Promotion Scheme.

As per agreement between BSNLEU and Management the Grade—IV officials

will be 1st placed in the scale of Rs.9200-13200 for a year and thereafter one

year after 10% of these will get Executive Scale of Rs.9850-14600. Due to

non-acceptance of scale of Rs.9200-13200 the employees will not get scale of

Rs.9850-14600 also.

Speedier delivery of telephone bills.

Chief Post Master General for Maharashtra and Goa, Manjit Singh Bali inaugurated the Beat Code Mapping (BCM) addresses for customers of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) on Tuesday. Earlier, he flagged off the new Speed Post and Express Parcel Post Processing Centre (SPEPPPC) at Kharadi on the Mundhwa bypass road.

While, Beat Code Mapping mechanism will help BSNL customers to receive their bills faster, secure and in a reliable way since each address of the customers has been mapped into a beat level by adding a beat code in the address. So that the delivery postman is directly identified from the address and possibility of mis-sending and consequent delay is ruled out.

The BCM project involved steps such customer addresses were printed as per the delivery post office spread across three postal divisions in Pune. All the post office wise addresses were printed and sent to concerned delivery post offices for beat mapping in a prescribe form.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pension Revision CHQ news

Pension revision latest:

President, G.S and F.S FNTO met senior officers of DOT and discussed the issue of pension revision. The present status is a direction to revise the pension on IDA has come and now the establishment branch of DOT will further process the case duly getting particulars from BSNL regarding number of officials, financial effect etc. We will further pursue for early settlement.

K. Vallinayagam

மருத்துவ சான்றிதழ தேவை அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு கேட் விளக்கம்..

மருத்துவ சான்றிதழ தேவை அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு கேட் விளக்கம்..

Medical Proof must for govt servants’ ailment

New Delhi IE Feb 16- Medical evidence is necessary for determining the degree of physical disability of a government servant to explain his unauthorized absence from duty, CAT has held.

A CAT Bench of chairman Justice V K Bali and Vice Chairman L K Joshi passed the order while refusing relief to officer …………… who was found unathorisedly absent from his duty for more than five years.

The intensity of physical disability can be assessed only from evidence of the ailment-physical or mental-and he has singularly failed to bring an iota of evidence on that behalf, either before the concerned authority or even before us after he has been issued the penalty of compulsory retirement, the tribunal said.

……, a meteorologist, sought quashing of the disciplinary authority order of his permanent retirement, which he alleged was taken without giving him a chance to contest the allegations.

The tribunal rapped him for his irresponsible conduct during the proceedings. All that is urged by ……. Is that there was no question for him to have not attended to his duties if he was medically fit. That sucha conduct is possible only by an insane man and that is what exactly he has been pleading all through, CAT said.

Tender conditions amendment

BSNL has asked the Defence Ministry to amend the conditions for the tender floated towards setting up an alternate optical fibre network for the latter, reports the Business Standard.

“We have written to the defence ministry for change in tender conditions as some companies have said that the current conditions are very strict,” a senior BSNL official told Business Standard.

The main barrier for most of the interested companies is that the existing tender norms require them to have their own manufacturing facility in India. Most companies allege that this condition works in favour of couple of companies and leaves the others out of fray.

As reported earlier, Paramount Cables too objected to this condition. It had written a letter to BSNL to amend the condition.

The setting up of the optical fibre network is part of the MoU reached between the DoT and the Ministry of defence towards vacation of 3G spectrum by the Defene forces for commercial use.

Multiple voices over 3G

Multiple voices clog 3G auction process

New Delhi, Feb. 16: A consensus on the date for the auction of 3G spectrum seems to be eluding the government.

“There is no clarity yet. I am waiting for directions from the finance ministry and the law ministry and have not got any from them,” telecom minister A. Raja told reporters when quizzed about the date.

Cabinet secretary K.M. Chandrasekhar, who heads the committee to monitor the vacation of spectrum by the defence forces, said revenues would get preference to timing.

“I don’t think it really matters if it happens this year or the next. They (department of telecom and the finance ministry) will take the decision based on how the revenue can be maximised,” he said.

Finance secretary Ashok Chawla said the date would be decided by the telecom ministry. “The issues relating to 3G auction have been resolved, but I can’t say whether the actual auction will happen before March 31,” he said.

The finance ministry has reportedly cleared the decks for the auction by the end of March. The plan is for the government to give spectrum to the successful bidders by September 1 instead of selectively releasing spectrum.

“The issues relating to 3G auction have been resolved, but I can’t say whether the actual auction will happen before March 31,” he said.

Transfer policy-court order

Subject : Judegment of hon'ble high court of AP regarding bsnl transfer policy

Judgment of Hon’ble High Court AP regarding BSNL transfer policy :

It is the stay at location irrespective of grade or post for executing the transfer of employees "in other words, Employee having longest stay at location will be transferred first". It does not matter whether his stay was as Group-C or Group-B. Click for details of AP Court

Going through the complete study of the case and pleading of BSNL management that inter-se-seniority have nothing to do for transferring the employees, it is very clear that the first criteria for transferring the employees is maximum stay at location to avoid hardship of the employees. It is not hidden that BSNL management itself has transferred many employees having least stay in the name of LDCE and retained others having stay of more than 15 to 20 years. Is it not the vested interest ?

டெல்லி செய்திகள்

BWA Demonstration on 05.03.2010.

BWA has decided to hold lunch hour demonstration on 5/3/2010 inviting the attention of management/govt. towards the following demands.

1. Early implementation of wage revision in an improved form.
2. Extension of minimum trade union facilities to registered unions.
3. No disinvestment.
4. Avoid motivated transfers.
5. Check the price rise on essential commodities.

This is in coordination with the central organizations agitation to check the price rise. Shri.N.T.Sajwani, Convenor BWA has duly intimated the program of action to CMD BSNL today.

Greetings to BSNLEU CWC

GS FNTO spoke to G.S BSNLEU over phone and conveyed FNTO greetings for their CWC at Bhopal.

K. Vallinayagam
General Secretary

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ஜனவரி மாத "கடல் அலை"

The January 2010 issue of "Kadal Alai" monthly regularly published by FNTO Cuddalore District union is here in Pdf format.


Changes in telecom in 2-3 years

ET Now caught up with Amit Khurana, Co-Head, Institutional Equities and Head, Research, Mangal Keshav, to seek his views on how Bharti stocks
would perform in the long run. Excerpts:

Does the fact that Bharti is going out and not just looking in the Indian market spell a bit of scepticism for other telecom players like Idea or RComm, which are predominantly India-based. Are there near term clouds over their future as well?

They have been around for quite sometime. Today there are more than 500 million subscribers in a 100 crore population. At best, this market is going to top out somewhere close to 70 or 80 crore subscribers. Theoretically speaking, we cannot expect a six-month old baby to have a cell phone, so we are probably going to reach that situation somewhere in the next two to three years considering that we are adding almost a crore subscribers per month. That realisation has drowned upon the companies and they have been making efforts to further their revenue base and sustain growth rates. Telecom recorded some very strong numbers over the last decade or so and sooner than later, it had to top out. The concern of course has been that how would some of these companies handle the new initiative that they would like to get into, for example 3G. Lot of cash would be needed by these players and they would need to sustain that and this is where a further level of clear cut restructuring could happen within the sector. You could see some of the players losing out market share because of this but that could take 2-3 years.

Revenues to get preference over timing for 3G auction, says Cab Secy

Revenues to get preference over timing for 3G auction, says Cab Secy

The government said today it would prefer to auction the spectrum for third generation mobile phone services, or 3G, at a time when it can earn maximum revenue.

"I don't think it really particularly matters if it happens this year or next year.. They (DoT and Finance Ministry) will take the decision based on how the revenue can be maximised," Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar, who was heading the high-level committee to monitor vacation of spectrum by the defence forces, said without giving any definite timing for the auction.

The empowered GoM, headed by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, had made a provision for garnering up to Rs 35,000 crore from the sale of airwaves in the current fiscal.

It hopes to use the proceeds to partly cut down the fiscal deficit, estimated to touch 6.8 per cent of the gross domestic product in 2009-10.

He said issues involved with 3G has been resolved and the auction date will be set based on how to maximise revenue from the auction.

However, it did not specify the issues which have been resolved.

The 3G spectrum auction has been halted due to lack of consensus between the Finance and Telecom Ministries over the number players to be allowed to offer 3G services, unwillingness of the defence ministry to release more spectrum and over the timing of the auction apart from the nitty gritties of the bidders' payment issues.

DoT for smaller BSNL tenders

With BSNL losing market share to competitors due to limitation of its network, whose expansion too is fraught with problems, the government is looking at the option of allowing the state-run telecom player to sell part of the originally planned 93 million lines.

This could be an alternative to the Central Vigilance Commission’s suggestion of cancelling the Rs 35,000-crore equipment tender and calling a snap bid, a senior official at the Department of Telecommunications said.

BSNL டெண்டர் பிரச்சனைகள் இருப்பதால்,DOT, BSNL நிறுவனத்தை பெரிய அளவில் டெண்டர் விடாமல் குறைந்த அளவில் டெண்டர் விட்டு உபகரணங்களை வாங்க அனுமதி அளிக்கும் எனத் தெரிகிறது.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Revenue dips due to per second tariff.

The per second billing introduced by telecom companies has come as a boon to millions of mobile users in the country but it is proving to be a bane for cellular service providers as it is affecting their revenues, feel industry experts.
According to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) data, the number of mobile subscribers in India has risen to more than 500 million at the end of November and experts are of the opinion that though the number of mobile users has increased astronomically, the revenues are not in accordance with the number.
"We had to tie up a Kirana shop merchant to offer SIM card on purchase of a five kilo atta packet to achieve the target," Praveen, a salesman of a mobile company said.
The cost of the SIM has come down as cheap as Rs 50 with Rs 5 talk time. Most of the users throw the SIM after they use the talk time, he said.
The financial impact of per-second tariff announced by almost all telecom operators last October is expected to have an impact in the financial performance of the companies, despite a continuous growth in the number of subscribers.
"Per-second billing is unsustainable. It affects EBIDTA (earnings before interest depreciation, taxes and ammortization) margins. We will see these tariffs for another year-and-a-half after which consolidation will set in," Aircel COO Gurdeep Singh had said in Mumbai recently.
According to Harit Shah, Head of Research IT and Telecom, Angel Broking, the margins of the companies will have impact as there is reduction on cost side.
"As per some reports revenues of telecom companies will be affected by 10-15 per cent due to tariff reduction. The affect will be felt in the fourth quarter," Shah said adding the consolidation may happen after two years.
Though the companies announced the reduction of tariffs, the interconnect charges are not reduced. The companies cannot have short-term goals under the present conditions, he said.
According to an industry expert the rate is 20 paisa per minute. That means the operator will have to pay 20 paisa as call termination charge to other operator if the call is cross-network.
There are about 12-13 telecom operators in India now and the rate could be sustainable only for a few operators who have the capability.
The mobile tariff war in India intensified after Tata Teleservices launched its GSM services under the brand name Tata Docomo announcing a per second tariff followed by other major players like Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL and Reliance.

Pensioner's Association, Tamil Nadu

தேசியச் சங்கத்தின் அகில இந்திய மாநாடு பீகாரில் நவம்பர் மாதத்தில் நடந்தது. அந்த மாநாட்டில் ஓய்வுதியம் பெறுபவர்களுக்கு அவர்கள் பிரச்சனைகளை தீர்ப்பதற்கு தனியாக சங்கம் ஆரம்பிக்க வேண்டும் என்ற தீர்மானம் நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டது.

அதன் அடிப்படையில் தமிழகம் சார்பாக இரு தோழர்கள் நாமினேட் செய்வது என்று முடிவு எடுக்கப்பட்டு சென்னை தோழர் கிருட்டிணமூர்த்தி மற்றும் கோயம்புத்துர் தேவராஜ
பணிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். –மாநில செயலர் செல் செய்தி.

3G auction

The Finance Minister has plans to auction 3G before this fiscal year so that the government may get Rs. 35000 crores.

இந்தியாவின் நிதித் துறை அமைச்சர் 3 G ஏலத்தை இந்த நிதியாண்டிற்குள் ஏலம் விட திட்டமிட்டுள்ளதாக தெரிகிறது. இதிலிருந்து சுமார் 35000 கோடி திரட்ட திட்டமிட்டுள்ளதாக தெரிகிறது.

Mobile number portability

BSNL has received the security clearance for importing equipment needed to upgrade its network for mobile number portanbility which will allow users to retain their numbers when changing from one operator to other. BSNL had applied for security clearance to DoT in December last year.

CMD,BSNL told that the advanced purchase has been already issued but supply of equipment,installation and testing would take time till May …March 31 deadline looks difficult as far as we are concerned.

மொபைல் நம்பர் மாற்றத்திற்குரிய உபகரணங்கள் வாங்க தற்சமயம்தான் பாதுகாப்பு கிளியரன்ஸ கிடைக்கப் பெற்றுள்ளதால் BSNL நிறுவனம் மார்ச் 31க்குள் உபகரண்ங்களை வாங்கி test செய்ய முடியாது. அதனால் மே 2010 க்குள் முடிய வாய்ப்பு உள்ளதாக BSNL CMD கருத்து தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Career progression of sportspersons

Vide letter no. 32-1/2010-BSNL (Sports) dt 04 02 10, BSNL has called for nominations of outstanding sportspersons for their career progression. Last date is 26 02 2010.

Sam Pitroda committee

A Sam Pitroda-headed high-level committee has submitted a report on state-run telecom operator BSNL to the Department of Telecom (DoT), CNBC-TV18 reports quoting sources.

The committee, which also consisted of other influential names such as banker Deepak Parekh, was set up by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on January 6 and sources say the report may contain suggestions for changes in BSNL’s functioning and calls for greater autonomy for the company’s board.

Another report is expected on the 3G auctions and over the functioning of Mumbai and Delhi operator MTNL, it is learnt.

Sam Pitroda committee

சாம் பிட்ரோடா தலைமையிலான குழு அமைக்கப்பட்டு BSNL
வளர்ச்சியைப் பற்றி ஆராய்ந்து அறி்க்கை அளி்க்கும்படி பாரதப் பிரதமரால் கேட்டுக் கொள்ளப்பட்டது. அதன்படி திரு சாம் பி்ட்ரோடா கமிட்டி அறி்க்கை சமர்ப்பித்துள்ளதாக டிவி செய்திகள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

About Telecom

Bharathi Airtel 2.85 million
Vodafone 2.7 million
Idea and
Spice 2.27 million
BSNL 2.2 million
MTNL 45,067

BSNL subscriber base 59.45 million
MTNL subscriber base 4.6 million

TRAI has written to major operators regarding call drops , network congestion
and others to Bharathi Airtel,Rcom,Idea,TTSL,Vodafone,MTNL and BSNL
and to know what’s being done to remedy the same.

In the fast telecom area, why no public enterprise to manufacture telecom
equipments, question is being raised.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

When Tulip can do, why can't BSNL?

The district of Malappuram, a hilly 3,500-square km area with roughly 3.5 million inhabitants, wanted to become the first district in the country to become “100 percent computer-literate”. They intended to do so through “Project Akshaya”, a government-led initiative to put up hundreds of Internet-connected village centres, where people could email, surf, or learn basic computer skills.

But most of the villages didn’t have a wired telephone connection at the centres; and the vast and hilly terrain made it expensive to lay additional cable. The solution — going wireless — became Tulip’s market opportunity. In 2003 it won the contract to put up a wireless radio network linking the various village centres. It was a challenging project for a company unused to such scale. At times it faced severe cash flow issues, but got support from understanding government representatives who loaned it Rs. 2.5 crore in advances.

By the time Tulip was done with the Malappuram wireless project, it had gained crucial first-hand knowledge of two things: The vast market opportunity in wirelessly connecting smaller towns and cities, and the technical ability to design and build cost-effective networks.

Alok Shende of Ascentius, a telecom consulting firm, calls the people at Tulip a bunch of “very savvy opportunists”. He says, “Tulip has capitalised on certain white spaces in the market. For instance the enterprise data market was traditionally a top-down one, with the early movers targeting large companies. Mid-market customers were not being addressed, which Tulip did a phenomenal job of. There was a clear opportunity, and they rode the wave.”

Tulip’s decision to target enterprise customers from the bottom-up (technically more like the middle-up) had another advantage: It faced very little competition. So, it signed up customers at a fast rate, didn’t face as much competitive pressure on pricing and most importantly, it remained off the radar of bigger players.

It achieved scale in a relatively short time — over 1,300 customers across 1,500 cities, nearly Rs. 500 crore in sales every quarter and a number five position in the Indian enterprise data segment with an overall market share of 11.3 percent (just 3-4% less than the next three players Bharti-Airtel, Reliance and BSNL. Tata Comm with a 23% marketshare is the clear leader).

“We took the game from 10 cities to 1,500 cities, changing the rules of the game,” says Bedi. He is right, because in many ways Tulip’s wireless last mile network, which he claims is the largest in India, is like the mass-market distribution reach of a consumer goods company like Unilever. While his larger competitors were investing in expensive submarine cables and national fibre networks to carry huge amounts of data within and outside India, Bedi was putting in place the last mile infrastructure to sell it to customers.

And yet his business almost came to a standstill in 2005, when the Indian government imposed a license fee of Rs 10 crore on telecom companies that wanted to offer virtual private network (VPN) services to customers. VPNs are secure computer networks created atop public communication infrastructure. For many businesses it is a cost-effective way to create a private communication line between its offices. According to research firm Frost & Sullivan, the VPN market at 36% forms one of the biggest chunks of the Indian enterprise data services market. And wireless VPN customers are the mainstay of Tulip’s revenue.

“I didn’t have the fee money, and even after pitching to many investors, no one was willing to [invest],” says Bedi.

Fortunately things changed. Intel’s venture capital arm along with a few other funds offered Rs. 40 crore in return for a 40% stake in the business. Then Yes Bank offered an alternative — Rs. 30 crore in debt. But ultimately Bedi decided to try his luck with the stock market. He filed for an IPO and in December 2005 managed to sell 30% of his company to investors for Rs 105 crore. The general public had valued Tulip 3.5 times more dearly than veteran technology investors.

Now that he has proved that wireless connectivity was an immensely profitable opportunity, Bedi wants to move on. “A year back we decided that wireless, with its limited capability, could only take us so far.” His new big bet is fibre.

FNTO's reply to BSNLEU -wage settlement.

Tamilnadu Circle.

Rejoinder to the 15 page boasting of Wage settlement by the BSNLEU.
Our Parawise comments.
1. Circumstances

The representative union knows very well that year after year the revenue of BSNL is going down and the expenditure is increasing. What action it has taken to increase the revenue and to reduce the expenditure of the company? Why wage negotiation was not started well in advance when the company was in profit. Com. Namboodiri has in a circular clearly told that as per the decision of CPSTU they are waiting for the executives to complete their wage settlement, so that non-executive can get more benefits than executives. The executives got their wage demands settled when the company was in profit. We are disappointed.

The revenue of the BSNL is decreasing due to tariff war between the private operators and stiff competition. Oil companies are getting subsidy from the Govt. for their subsidised sale of Kerosene, LPG., etc. as the cost price of the above products are more and the general public can not afford to bear with it. Similarly what the representative union has done to get subsidy like assistance from the Govt. to face the loss due to tariff reduction in BSNL Services?

The sense of urgency that arose among the BSNL workers for early agreement on wages was not acted to expedite not arisen to the Representative union as they are committed to the decision of CPSTU rather than the interest of BSNL workers. They would not have signed the agreement if the BWA has the settlement. In this process, the Representative union has nose dived in their demands and accepted what is proposed and given by the Management. The BSNLEU only adopted the negative attitude and not the management. If the management is not positive towards workers demands why the BSNLEU could not break the talks and seek the cooperation of other BSNL unions for united approach to the just and reasonable demands of BSNL workers. They are boasting themselves as, Excellent Agreement which in fact is a very bad agreement, when compared to the first wage settlement of BSNL and the wage settlement of other PSUs like BHEL, SAIL, Port & dock workers. BSNLEU and their allies should hang their head in shame for the agreement signed by them accepting the offerings of the Management in toto.

The following are the chronological order of wage revision process.

1) 31.12.2006 - earlier wage settlement expired.

2) 09.11.2006 - Decision of the Govt. was conveyed by the DPE to start negotiations for revision of wage from 01.01.2007.

3) 19.12.2006 - wage revision committee was formed.

4) 24.07.2008 -BSNLEU submitted the charter of demands – As per their agreement, the date is 03.09.2008.

From the above it can be seen that the Govt. has issued orders well in advance to start wage negotiation. BSNL also formed wage revision committee within a month on 19.12.2006. But the BSNLEU has taken nearly 22 months to submit the charter of demands. Further they took 16 months to finalise the wage settlement. Out of these 16 months they have wasted nearly 10 months demanding 5 year wage settlement. Thus one can see who is responsible for the delay in settlement of wage revision from 01.01.2007.

Com. Ashokbabu, (AGS / BSNLEU) boasting himself that after two days strike in August 2009 negotiated skillfully with the management and achieved an excellent agreement. What is the excellency they have achieved? They have accepted what is offered by the management without any improvement . Even the minimum pay of Rs.8000/- stated to have been accepted by the management has not been materialised.

At one stage he says, that because of Telecom services offered by many private business, the strike in BSNL is not effective. On the other side he says that because of the two days strike they achieved an excellent agreement. Why this contradiction and confusion?

2. Date of Effect

Date of effect of the new Pay scales is 01.01.2007. It is not the achievement of
BSNLEU. In PSUs wage settlements are made for a specific period and accordingly the first wage agreement expired on 31.12.2006 and naturally this agreement should take effect from 01.01.2007 irrespective of the date of signing the agreement. Therefore it can not be boasted as an achievement of BSNLEU.

3. New Scales

Various expert bodies like central pay commissions and pay review committees of PSUs have recommended guidelines for devising the pay scales of employees by fixing the ratio between the low paid Gr. D to the higher paid chief secretary / CMD. The ratio fixed by various CPCs are given below:

I CPC - 1 :41.2

2nd CPC - 1:28.5

3rd CPC - 1:11.9

4th CPC - 1:10.7

5th CPC - 1:10.7

6th CPC - 1:12

For PSU employees, the first pay review committee has recommended the ratio of 1:10. The 2nd PRC also recommended the same ratio. But the BSNLEU has accepted a novel method of multiplication factor for revising the pay scale of Gr. D & others with reference to the revision of pay scales of JTOs. This is a pathetic condition. Thus they have created a very bad precedence also.

In the first wage settlement in BSNL, the minimum pay of a Gr. D was fixed as Rs.4000/- corresponding to the CDA minimum of Rs.2550/-. Now the minimum pay of CDA is enhanced to Rs.7000/-. Correspondingly the IDA minimum in BSNL should be at Rs.10980/-.

If we take the minimum pay of Rs.4400/- granted to MTNL for the corresponding CDA minimum of Rs.2550/- the IDA minimum from 01.01.2007 should be Rs.12080/-.

CDA pay scales have been revised from 01.01.2006 where as IDA pay scales are revised form 01.01.2007. Meanwhile the pay of CDA is enhanced to 6% as on 01.01.2007 raising the total amount Rs.7420/- for a Gr.D in Central Govt. If we take this increase into account the minimum of the IDA pay scales should be @ Rs.11650/- for BSNL and Rs.12800/- for MTNL pay scales.

Therefore there is full jusification to claim Rs.12500/- as minimum. In fact the united Forum has demanded a minimum pay Rs.14000/- in their memorandum but satisfied with a meager amount of Rs.7760/-. This is a clear proof to show how these unions are cheating the workers by raising tall demands to attract the workers to their unions.

4.NE – 12 Scale and Promotion Agreement

The agreement on promotion was signed hurriedly on 30.10.2008, in view of the election, surrendering the interest of the BSNL workers in toto. It is not ( Particularly Rs.9200 scale) available to senior officials as they would have all retired from service before 31.03.2008, as this scheme is applicable only to those officials who were in the rolls of BSNL as on 31.03.2008. Earlier the cut off date was 01.01.2007. The BSNLEU has surrendered 15 months arrears to all employees as well as entitlement of promotion of senior employees.

Com. Namboodiri, has not tried sincerely after the election to get the agreement implemented. Neither tried to get the DOT’s approval for 9200 scale. Without 9200 scale nobody will get 9850 scale. Thus the promotion scheme will not be useful to Group C employees. It is reported that the DOT has rejected the proposal of 9200 scale. Why Com. Namboodiri is silent over this fact? will he say what is the fact?

5. Fixation of Pay in the New Scales.

Though the fitment benefit as per the agreement is 30% actual benefit will only be 23.2% as 68.8% IDA only is taken into account for fixation of new pay instead of 78.2%. BSNLEU has agreed to get the benefit of 78.2% after it is given to the Executives. Thus Com. Namboodiri is very much gracious to surrender the rights of BSNL Non-executives in favor of Executives, when all unions in other industries have entered into agreement with their management for the fitment benefit on 78.2% IDA. Even the Central Govt. was good enough to extend the benefit of additional DA on Dearness pay to fix their pay in the new scale by modifying the fixation factor from 1.74 to 1.86. This is extended to the pensioners also. Thus the argument of Com. Namboodiri that the Non Executives will get more benefits if we enter into negotiation after wage settlement of executives have become false and baseless.

6. Fitment Benefit it realy 30% or 23.2%?

The second PRC has recommended a fitment benefit of 30 to 42% for A+ category PSUs under which BSNL comes and the Government has decided to give 30% on Pay+DA. But while calculating the fitment benefit, 68.8% IDA only has been taken into account while we are getting 78.2%IDA as total IDA due to merger of 50% IDA as Dearness Pay from 1.1.2007. Thus the net benefit works out to 23.2% even though the fitment benefit is 30%. In other PSUs the 30% fitment is given on 78.2% IDA, By accepting the same 68.8% at par with executives, the non-executives also gets an increase of 23.2% only and not 30%.

For Central Government Employees, the fitment benefit is given at 40% of the maximum of the existing scale ( as Grade pay) and it works out to 32.3% to 45.2%. ( Average 35.5 %). when the DA also is taken into account. Thus they are given better fitment weightage than the BSNL Employees.

Further the orders for revised scales for executives were issued on 26.11.2008 by the DPE and not in March 2009 as claimed by Sri Ashok Babu, AGS, BSNLEU. As a result of this settlement, the actual increase is ranging from Rs.1652/- for a Group D in NE 1 scale and Rs.5360/- for a Grade IV official in NE 11 scale. If 78.2% IDA is taken into account for fitment benefit it will be Rs.2192/- and Rs.6940/- respectively, It is pathetic that the BSNLEU is taking lot of pains to justify their recommendations/ settlement.

7. 78.2% will N/Es get it?

(a) As admitted by Com. Ashok Babu, all unions of other PSUs are entering into agreement for fixation of pay taking into account 78.2% IDA and not 68.8% IDA. We would like to know, if the executives do not press for 78.2% benefit, whether BSNLEU will also not press for it. We presume that Com.Namboodiri will not press for this, as it will expose their tall claim of extension of span of some pay scales.

(b) Even though the DPE issued orders on 78.2% IDA on 2.4.2009, the BSNLEU has accepted only 68.8% IDA for the fitment benefit. Grant of 78.2% IDA for fitment benefit is not subject to any condition regarding financial status of the PSU. Infact, the additional cost on salary revision as on 1.1.2007 works out to Rs.909 crores only with roughly Rs.400/- crores as pension contribution where as the funds allocated for N/Es towards Wage revision is reported to be around Rs.3500 crores during the years 2008.

Thus the BSNLEU is justifying its agreement to hide their failure.
8. Pay fixation for New appointments

No comments

9. Option to come over to new scale

This option is already available in all Pay revision exercises in Government and PSUs.

10.For those retired before 1.1.2007.

BSNL is the only PSU getting Govt.Pension as a special case and it is paid on IDA pay only as per the agreement reached with the three federations on 2.1.2001. The BSNLEU and other unions have failed to submit a memorandum before the 6th CPC to make its recommendations for revision of pension of Pre 2006 pensioners applicable to BSNL retired DOT officials. We have continuosly pursued this issue with DOT and a cabinet note is under preparation for submission to Cabinet to get approval not only for the revision from 1.1.2006 but for future revisions also. For those retired from 1.1.2006 to 31.12.2006 also the emoluments for the purpose of pension should be defined as basic pay plus 58.1% IDA admissible as on 1.1.2006. This will be done by the DOT at the time of issue of orders for revision of pension for pre 2006 pensioners. In the case of anomalies in respect of pensioners retired upto 31.7.2001, already precedence available in the CCS(Pension) rules as to how to settle the anomaly. This should have been pursued by the Unions, particularly the representative union which boast themselves as the only authorized saviours of all BSNL workers.

11.Retirees after 1.1.2007.

It is admitted that there is a positive change in the Govt. pension rules for those retired on or after 01.01.2006 to fix their pension on the last pay drawn if it is advantages than 10 months average. BSNLEU can not surrender this benefit as it is not in their hands either to accept or to reject it and they are not competent to do that as in the case of pay scales and allowances revision.

12.Minimum Pay

The 2nd Pay Review committee has not prescribed any multiplying factor for revision of existing scales to new one, as 1.91. Actually 1st pay Review committee has recommended the ratio between the lowest paid executive to the higher paid CMD as 1:6. Accordingly 2nd PRC has recommended the minimum pay of Rs.20,700 for E1 scale and Rs.1,25,000/- for CMD (i.e. 1:6) whereas the JTO / JAO’s are given Rs.16,400/-. As this is not in accordance with the above ratio it is proposed to be revised as Rs.18850/- to make the ratio as (1:6.6). The BSNL management has taken the difference between the pre-revised pay of JTO / JAO (Rs.9850) and the revised pay of Rs.18850/- as the factor of 1.91 for revision of N/E pay scale..

Com. Ashok Babu has taken much pain to justify 1.91 factory quoting the pay scale of a postal clerk instead of a Group – D whose pay is multiplied by 2.75 (i.e 2550 to 7000). In the first wage revision when the minimum of CDA pay was Rs.2550/- the minimum of BSNL IDA scale was Rs.4000/- (i.e., 1.57 times) Now the minimum pay of CDA scale is Rs.7000/-. If the same factor is applied the revised minimum of BSNL should be Rs.10980/-. When it is compared to the minimum of MTNL scale of Rs.4400/- the factor would be 1.725 and the revised minimum should be Rs.12080/-. He has also quoted FCI, CC & ECK to justify 1.91 whereas the BHEL has finalized 2.5 as multiplying factor to revise its pre revised minimum of Rs.4200/- which will work out to Rs.10500/-.

The average cost of the pay scale of Rs.4000-5800 workout to Rs.5050/- and after adding 78.2% IDA and 30% fitment benefit it will workout to Rs.11700 (i.e 5050 + 3950 + 2700). The 6th CPC has abolished first three scales and fixed S-4 as the minimum. Accordingly if NE-4 is taken as the minimum (i.e. 4250 – 6200) total sum as average cost of Rs.5388 would work out to Rs.12481/- (i.e 5388 + 4213 + 2880). Therefore the minimum of Rs.12500/- is the ideal demand which is as per the ratio prescribed by the pay Review committee between minimum of the lowest paid employee to the higher paid executive (i.e 1:10 ) of 12500 : 125000 Instead of doing this exercise, BSNLEU has simply accepted the multiplying factor proposed by the management, thereby ditching the interest of the BSNL Non-Executive employees.

13. Span of the scale

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14.Maximum of the scale Pension contribution.

The central Govt. has now decided to levy pension contribution to the actual pay plus Grade pay of the employees which is more than the maximum of the Pre-revised scale. i.e the pay scale of Rs.2550-3200 is replaced by 5200-20200 + GP of Rs1800/- i.e 7000-20200. The minimum of Rs.7000/- is more than double the pre-revised maximum of Rs.3200/- and the pension contribution will be more than the same in the pre-revised maximum. Thus the BSNLEU should have insisted open ended pay scales to avoid stagnation or followed the changes made in central Govt scales for our erstwhile cadres of postal department. If the management do not agree to our demand, Com. Namboodri should have broken the talks and tried for a joint action along with other non-recognised unions.

15.Span – Extension and the reality

The extension of the span of the scale by 3 or 4 year will become infructuous, if 78.2% IDA is taken into account for revising the pay in the new scale. 9.4% IDA plus 30% thereon would be 12.22% which is more than 4 increments. Thus the extension of the span by 4 years will nullify the benefit when 78.2% is taken into account. The time bound promotion also will not give relief to the stagnation problem as the difference between the maximum of the scales is even less than one increment in many scales and insignificant in some scales. The only solution is to revise the whole pay scales fixing the minimum as Rs.12500/- and constructing the other scales on this minimum.

16&17 Increments

The 6th CPC and the 2nd wage review committee of PSUs have all recommended increment on percentage basis and therefore naturally the BSNL also to follow suit. There is nothing to boast for BSNLEU as an achievement.

18.Periodicity of Wage Revision

Knowing fully well that the BSNL employees are getting Govt. Pension and it is being revised once in 10 years ( and not 5 years), the BSNLEU has deliberately delayed the wage settlement for one year demanding 5 year agreement as per the decision of CPSTU. There is reason for the demand of 5 year settlement for other PSUs for which no Govt. pension is paid. There is no reason for BSNL unions to demand 5 years settlement besides Govt. Pension which is usually revised once in 10 years only. For the sake of the decision taken in CPSTU, BSNL employees are now made scapegoats as the BSNL company is running in operative loss year after year and it has resulted in a bad wage settlement for which BSNLEU and its allies are fully responsible and they cannot blame other unions for their failure.

19.Why delay in Wage Settlement?

The delay was due to the decision of CPSTU to negotiate wage demands for Non-Executives only after the wage settlement of Executives. Therefore, the BSNLEU has submitted their demands only in July 2008 even though the wage revision committee was formed in November – 2006 itself. Further one year was wasted by insisting 5 year wage agreement which is not possible due to Govt. Pension benefits to BSNL employees. The fact that the BSNL management has already agreed to revise the wages of Non- Executives as and when the wages of Executives are revised, was conveniently hidden by Com. Ashok Babu.

20.DA after wage revision

No Comments.

21.For New recruits

This anomaly is due to the erroneous / defective revision of scale of pay and there is no precedence to settle such cases as earlier pay commissions have devised the pay scales in such a way that none is affected whether the existing employees or the future recruits. BSNLEU is a NOVICE in this respect and have no previous experience in wage negotiation. All that they were dong earlier is putting tall demands but settling nothing and criticizing others.

22.Effect of Extra increments for BCR Grade III

The extra increment granted in lieu of BCR Grade IV is treated as pay for all purposes including pensionary benefit. Therefore it is not an achievement to say that it will be added to basic pay and 30% fitment will be given. (b) Regarding promotions under new scheme, it is unfortunate that the original offer of the management for promotion with financial benefit from 01.01.2007 has been surrendered by the BSNLEU and accepted to get it from 01.04.2008. The applicability of the scheme itself changed to those officials who were in service on 01.04.2008. This is most unfortunate.

23. HRA

As per the first wage agreement, the BSNL employees are eligible for HRA as per the rates, terms and condition as applicable to Central Govt. employees. Accordingly when the Central Govt. employees were given HRA at higher rates from 01.09.2008, BSNL employees should also have been paid HRA at revised rates. Accepting the revised HRA from 27.02.2009 itself is wrong. BSNLEU has already said that the HRA also will be paid from 27.02.2009. But later at the time of signing the recommendations they made a somersault stating that the management is prepared to give higher HRA from 15.01.2010 only. This is a drama to say that getting the benefit of HRA from 27.02.2009 itself is a great achievement. If it is so whether the statement already given by Com. Namboodiri is a false one?

Earlier, the higher rate of HRA according to the reclassification of cities were given to the executives and the same was not extended to non – executives. At that time BSNLEU was silent and only the FNTO raised the issue against the discrimination. After that only BSNLEU has taken up the matter. In such circumstances blaming FNTO & NFTE for their failures is nothing but cheating the workers.

It may be noted that after 1986 pay revision, HRA was given at flat / slab rates instead of percentage rates with effect from 01.10.1986. Subsequently on an award of BOA the percentage rate of HRA was given from 15.01.1986 to 30.09.1986 vide M F O M dated 04.07.1989. Similar proposition should have been placed in the above revision instead of accepting, what is given by the management. BSNL is a fully Govt. owned company and it should be a model employer and should not behave like a private company.


BSNLEU is justifying the stand of the Management for denying increase in allowances citing the fall in revenue and profit in BSNL. As there is no increase in Transport Allowance to executives it is not given to non executives also. The executives may not be interested in Transport Allowance as they are enjoying the facility of company vehicles for commuting from and to their residence. Some executives are even using their own vehicles hired to the company through some contractors for maintenance work but using it for their own purpose and getting thousands of rupees as hire charges per month. Non executives are using their own Vehicles such as scooter, two wheelers, etc., by spending their own money for fuel. Some are Traveling in public buses paying fare at par with general public. Therefore their is no justification to deny revision of Transport Allowance especially when it is increased to 400% (i.e four times) with DA.

Withdrawal of food allowance is also a clear injustice. The BSNLEU is justifying it stating that they have compensated it by 2% skill upgradation allowance at par with executives. The executives are not only given skill upgradation allowance but also given free laptops, free internet facilities to upgrade their skills / knowledge. But they are not going for marketing. The Gr. C and D employees only are sent for marketing under various projects like Udhan, Vijay etc. So there is full justification to grant skill Development allowance and there is no justification for withdrawal of food allowance in lieu thereof. The canteen subsidy given to the departmental canteens was withdrawn consequent on the grant of food allowance. Whether the same is now restored because the food allowance is withdrawn?

Similarly no increase in Rural allowance, washing allowance, Family Planning allowances etc. Other allowance increased by 50% only when the same is doubled (i.e 100 increase) in central services. It is consoled that it will be reviewed in 2012. It may be noted that in 2012 more that 50% of the employees will be retired from service and there will not be much employees to avail any increase. By that time the central and state Govt. employees also will get further increase of 25% in their rate of allowances.

25. Uniform & Washing Allowance

2. Abolishing the uniform is the tactics adopted by the BSNL Management to deny washing allowance and also to reduce the expenditure on account of purchase and supply of uniforms. Not wearing the uniform is the excuse told by the BSNL Management to justify their proposal of abolishing uniforms. The BSNLEU has succumbed to this pressure tactics of BSNL Management and agreed to maintain statusquo and in regard to the revision of washing allowance. Actually the Board of Arbitration has already given an award to revise the rate of washing allowance to Rs.60/- and the 6th CPC also recommended the same vide para 04.02.1981. the award of BOA was already brought to the notice of Com. Namboodiri, by FNTO, TN Circle union in the year 2005, but there is no response to that proposal so far. Thus BSNLEU has surrendered the rights of the uniformed employees also for the reasons best known to him only.

26.Applicability of CCS Rules in BSNL

As per the agreement reached between the three Federations and CMD BSNL on 02.01.2001, the following proposals were approved.

1. Implementation of standing orders of the Industrial Employment Act, 1946

BSNL service rules are to be finalized after discussion with the recognized union formed by the optees of BSNL and the standing orders of Industrial Employment Act 1946.

2. Service Rules

In the mean time, it was agreed that Government will continue to apply existing rules / regulations. This is in line as per the provisions of Rule 13-B of standing orders of Industrial Employment Act, 1946. However, certain provisional terms and conditions for absorption are enclosed at Annexure I.

As per the above agreement until new rules are framed by the BSNL for Leave rules, the provisions of the existing CCS (LR) 1972 continue to be applicable. As per the amended leave rules, the women employees are eligible to 180 days of maternity leave and the stand of the BSNL Management that it was a company and Government rules were not applicable, is incorrect. This should have been challenged by the BSNLEU and its allies. Instead, silently accepting the stand of the management shows the incapability of the representative union.

27. Bonus / PLI

No Comments

28. Promotion Policy & Wage Revision Fate of 9200 Scale.

In the absence of 9200 scale for fourth promotions for Sr.TOA / TTA cadres, the proposed scale of Rs.9850/- for 10% of the officials in Rs.9200 scale will not be fructified. In the promotion scheme the first promotion scale for Sr.TOAs will be Rs.6550/- and not Rs.7100/- as it exists. For those who are drawing maximum of the lower scale or drawing near about to the maximum of the scale will not give any relief as the maximum of the two scales i.e lower scale and promoted scale is not even equal to one increment. This will be exposed when the orders for promotion scheme is issued and implemented.

29. TSMs / CCS / Contract Labours

The number of TSMs and casual labourers in BSNL are negligible and therefore the beneficiaries are also small in number

So far as contract labours are concerned, the stand of the management is that they are not employing contract labours instead giving the work on contract to contractors as work contract. It is for the contractors to apply the rules of EPF, ESI etc. to contract labourers.

The fact is that most of the contracts have been taken up by the local leaders of various unions in colabaration with some executives and they are not doing justice to contract labourers.

The solution to avoid this exploitation is the direct appointment of contract or casual labourers by the BSNL management itself.

30. Attack on NFTE – FNTO alliance by the BSNLEU

30) (a) It may be noted that the first wage negotiation was completed in 5 months time. It started on 23.11.2001 and agreement signed on 25.04.2002 duly completing the negotiation on 23, 24.04.2002.

(b) 1st Pay Review committee for PSU, headed by Mr. Justice S.Mohan completed the job within 22 months for the entire PSU executives.

© 2nd pay review committee headed by Mr. Justice J.R.Rao has completed the task within 24 months for 16, 13, 989 executives.

(d) Even the 6th CPC has completed the mega task of recommending new pay scales for the entire central Govt. employees and pensioners including Railways, defence forces within a period of 17 months.

(e) But, for the 2.4 lakhs BSNL Non-executive employees the BSNLEU, the representative union took nearly 37 months (i.e 3 years and one month) to decide the new pay scales as replacement scales for the existing scales. No cadre review has been done and the demands of various cadres pending for the past 5 years have not been discussed and decided at all. In order to hide their failure they are blaming FNTO / NFTE unions.
(f) They took nearly 19 months time to submit the memorandum of demands for new scales. They were dilly-dallying the discussion for one more year demanding 5 year wage settlement as decided by the CPSTU.

(g) As clearly declared by Com. Namboodiri, they were waiting for the executives to settle their demands. In BSNL, orders for revision of wages for executives were issued on 27.02.2009. Even after this they have deleberately delaying the discussion for one more year keeping the next election in their mind. They know very well that they could not achieve 5 year settlement due to the Govt. Pension for BSNL employees.

(h) They are unable to boast themselves about the poor settlement that too after 37 months delay. That is why they are blaming FNTO / NFTE.

(i) Even though, BSNLEU claims that they have achieved 30% fitment benefit, the actual increase is only 23.2% much less than the benefit obtained by other PSUs. Even the Central Govt employees got more than 33% benefit (taking into account the basic pay and DA as on 1.1.2006).

(j) BSNLEU says, if the pay revision for Non executives employees was settled before the settlement of executives we would have got less benefit. But while giving allowances the executives were given the same from 27.02.009 whereas for Non executives it is given from 15.01.2010. This itself clearly shows that their claim of more benefits for Non-Executives if it is settled after the executives is baseless and motivated by some other causes i.e political commitment. Ultimately the BSNL employees have become scape goat for BSNLEU’s blunder.

(k) BSNLEU wanted the other unions to join strikes organized by them, but not to discuss and formulate the demands. Formal meeting of all union was not convened as was done by Com. Gupta at the time of first wage revision. Actually their period of recognition expires in January 2011. They have no moral rights to decide the pay scales for more than their period of recognition. In other industries all the unions have entered into joint negotiation and signed the agreement. If Com. Namboodri, was really interested in unity for wage negotiation, he should have nominated the General Secretaries of all Other unions also as member of the wage review committee. Rather he wanted the others to join them as observers or to show strength for their own cause. Who will agree to such sort of treatment. Will Com. Namboodri agree to be an observer, if his is not a recognized union. They are not ashamed to say that this is the best possible wage settlement.

31.Lessons learnt

(a) BSNLEU wants the unity of CPSTU on political grounds. They don’t want the unity of BSNL unions.

(b) They still believe that only the strike is the solution for settlement of demands and have no faith in the negotiation. Their intention is to paralyze the Nation by organizing Unions in the entire Telecom Industry which will not materialize even at a distant date.

[C] In fact, BSNLEU alliance is an anti-workers alliance. It is proved in many cases such as cancellation of anomaly agreements, treacherous promotion agreement, wage settlement, etc.

(d)(1) The alleged loss is not due Govt. policy alone. Excessive operative expenses due to corruption at all levels which is not exposed by the Representative Union. Advising their members not to support the initiatives of the company for improvement of business is also one of the reasons for loss of revenue, If not so, why they are talking of improvement of work culture among employees.

(2) What steps they have taken to curb the expenditure?

(3) What steps they took to satisfy the BSNL customers to give fault free services?


Even now it is not late. The leaders of BSNL workers Alliance join together and announce a major action programme to draw the attention of the Management for reconsideration of the recommendation made by the Wage revision committee.

11.02.2010 Circle Secretary, TN circle,