Monday, May 10, 2010

Salient features of Wage re vision.

Wage Revision – Saliant features
D. Chandrasekharan, CS TN

  1. Pay Scales – Already circulated.
  2. Fitment Method -  Pay as on 01.01.2007:

  1. Basic Pay in the pre-revised scale  +68.8 IDA  and fitment  30% on ( Pay plus IDA(68.8%)  rounded off to next Rs. 10
  2. Bunching increments:  For every two stages of pay, fixed at the same stage.
           Benefit of one increment will be given.
      3. Increment:
        a.  3% of pay rounded to off next Rs.10.
        b.  Stagnation increment at 3% for every two years-maximum 3 increments.
        c. On promotion 3% of revised basic pay will be given.
        d. For increments falls on 01.01.2007,it will be given in new scales.
        e  Extra increment given prior to 01.01.2007in lieu of Grade IV will be merged                      as basic pay  for fixation of pay in the new scale.  After 01 10 2007, it will   be 3% of pay.

Can opt for revised pay   from 01.01.2007or from the date of next increment or                            from the date of next promotion. Options to be given within three months. i.e.  before 7.8.2010.    
 4. Dearness  Allowances:  0% as on 01 01 2007 and  will be revised for every 3 months.
 5. HRA: Payable from 27 02 2009 for the revised pay.
 6. CCA : Abolished from 27 02 2009 –already paid CCA will be adjusted in arrears.
 7. Perks and Allowances: Payable from 07.05.2010. i.e. from the date of signing of the                Agreement.
a.       No increase in the following allowances:Existing rates will continue.-Transport allowance, Special duty allowance, Island Special Duty Allowance, Hard area allowance, Children education allowance, rural duty allowance, OTA, TA, DA and Hotel rates.
b.      50% increase CMA, Cash handling allowance, escort allowance, fixed conveyance allowance.
c.       75% increase –Special compensatoy allowance, hill allowance tribal area allowance.
d.      Food allowance: Discontinued
e.       Special upgradation allowance: At 2% of basic pay from 0-7 05 2010.
f.       Training allowance: 7.5% of revised pay.
     8.   No change in the existing arrangements for the following.
            Holidays, Casual leave, EL,  HPL, Commuted leave, Paternity leave, Working       hours, LTC,EL encashsment, Uniform, Stitching charges, Rain         coats,   Chappals, Shoes,         Washing allowance , Family planning increment and other             special pay.
     9.  Six months salary already paid as advance for arrears will be adjusted in the arrears.
   10.  It is presumed that it will be paid in one lump sum.

For details please contact Circle Secretary D. Chandrasekaran. 094432 63065.

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