Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tamil Nadu JAC

Tamil Nadu Circle JAC is meeting at Chennai on 24 09 11 at 12-00 hrs to draw plans to conduct successully the agitational programmes in a fitting manner as decided by national JAC.

JAC one day fast and one day strike poster.

BSNL orders- LTC clarification-spouse employed

One day mass fast and one day strike.

             JAC decides to observe one day mass fast on
 27-09-2011 and one day strike on 10-10-2011
The JAC which met at New Delhi today 21-09-2011, took the historic decision to oppose the VRS, lock stock and barrel. The meeting which was presided over by com. G.L.Jogi,GS,SNEA, unanimously decided to observe one day mass fast at All India level, circle level and SSA level on 27-09-2011 and to go on one day strike on 10-10-2011, opposing VRS, demanding PLI, etc
The unions which participated in today’s meeting are BSNLEU, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, BSNL MS, TEPU, SEWA BSNL, BTU and NFTBE.
Mass fast at All India ,circle and SSA levels on 27-09-2011.
One day strike on 10-10-2011.
1)   No VRS.
2)   Payment of PLI.
3)   Restoration of medical allowance, LTC and Leave encashment.
4)   Policy related issues
5)   Conclusion of the process of absorption of ITS.
6)   Merger of 78.2% IDA.
Policy related issues include:-
a)    Compensation for BSNL’s rural operations.
b)    Pension contribution on actual basic pay.
c)    Refund of RS.8313 crore to BSNL which was paid towards BWA spectrum charges.
d)    Reimbursement of License Fee.
e)    Allowing BSNL to surrender 3G spectrum of unviable circles.( Private companies are given the freedom to select circles of their choice.)
f)     Refund of Rs.7500 crore with interest, collected from BSNL towards “Notional Loan.”
g)    Procurement of equipments.
h)    Discontinue TACs.
It was decided to approach NFTE and FNTO also for united action.

Organise the programme very effectively, inorder to give a fitting reply to the retrograde steps being taken by the government and the BSNL management, to destabilize BSNL.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One day fast on 27 09 11 and one day strike on 10 10 11 by JAC

JAC  in its meeting at New Delhi decided to observe one day fast on 27 09 11
& one day strike on 10 10 2011 on VRS,Bonus,Restoration of MRS,LTC,78.2% IDA. 
Take all efforts to make these programmes a success. GS,FNTOBEA.

BSNL loss goes to Rs 6000 crores for 2010-11


BSNLEU- In the  meeting invited by the  management held yesterday
 strongly opposed  VRS. 

About VRS-The Economic Times.

Earthquake in Sikkim-BSNL got connected.-'The Hindu

In this 30-second ordeal, all of us in the house managed to run out. The power was gone. It was pitch dark. I ran back inside to my parents because at that point I decided if this was the end, I wanted to be with them. We could hear people shouting, children screaming, sounds of distress I never again want to relive. My mother realised my sister and brother-in-law were not yet home, and we started calling them only to find the networks were down. Luckily it was BSNL which emerged the hero and got us connected. Soon, Facebook became a source of contact that kept us updated and provided some kind of relief, because though the networks were restored we were unable to make calls.

earthquake in Sikkim-BSNL got connected.-'The Hindu

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DoT letter to BSNL CMD regarding performance

Organise 14 09 2011 dharna

No headway in the meeting between JAC and management – Organise Dharna powerfully 
In response to the notice of the JAC, to conduct dharna on 14.09.2011, management invited the JAC for talks today. The talks took place at 1200 hrs today. Senior Officers from the management and JAC leaders participated in the talks. Management side requested the JAC leaders to withdraw the Dharna. JAC leaders strongly argued to withdraw the order dated 05.09.2011. The meeting ended without any breakthrough. Hence, the call to conduct dharnas tomorrow, i.e. on 14.09.2011 stands. CHQ calls upon to organise the dharna powerfully and give a befitting reply to the high handedness of the management.

Friday, September 9, 2011

14 09 2011 Dharna

Hold massive dharnas on 14th September, 2011, against curtailment of facilities

The JAC, in it’s meeting held on 07.09.2011, vehemently opposed the curtailment of medical allowance, LTC and Leave Encashment, and called upon the BSNL employees to hold massive dharnas throughout the country on 14th September, 2011. Circle and District Secretaries are requested to take part in  the  meetings of the JAC at all places and plan to organise the dharna massively. The dharnas to be held on 14th September shall be a befitting reply to the high-handeness of the management.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

07 09 2011 BSNL all unions/associations meeting.

A meeting of all unions/associations will be held on 07 09 11 at 16-30 hrs at National Council Room (230  Eastern Court) to disucss about the curtailment of facilies and programme of action- V.A.N.Namboodri -JAC Convenor.

  FNTOBEA  Com T.Jayaraman, Jt.Circle Secretary of Chennai Telephones will be attending the meeting today at New Delhi.

Monday, September 5, 2011

FNTOBEA strongly protests

FNTOBEA CHQ strongly protests regarding the cut imposed on medical without voucher and also LTC and LTC encashment.

United Forum meets at New Delhi to discuss about the protest  regarding cut  in some facilities to BSNL staff at 17-00 hrs  on 05 09 11

Withdrawal of facilities by BSNL to staff.-BSNl orders.