Sources said that BSNL’s MPLS network has noticed traffic load of up to 80 per cent on the network in its peak hour on its core network, whereas typical loading should not exceed more than 50 per cent of its rated capacity
Prasoon Srivastava
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
NEW DELHI, INDIA: Overloaded MPLS network, on which, data traffic of many mission-critical applications of the country runs, can collapse at anytime. This collapse of network will hit badly the broadband services of BSNL, mobile broadband being delivered through 3G network of BSNL and MPLS-VPN network or leased circuit line. This breakdown of BSNL Network will put off various government services and major part of defense communication network. There are more than 20,000 enterprise customers that rely on MPLS-VPN service offered by BSNL to run their mission-critical applications. This includes mostly banking and financial institutions and organization such as top nationalized banks, oil and gas companies as also companies of other sectors.
As a result, banking operations such as transactions through ATM and core banking processes, transactions on petrol pumps and many other services crucial for day-to-day life of people and businesses across the country can come to a halt.
CIOL has learnt from some reliable sources that BSNL’s MPLS network has noticed traffic load of up to 80 per cent on the network in its peak hour on its core network whereas IP technology does not permit such high overload, due to IP packet collisions at such higher loading. Typical loading should not exceed more than 50 per cent of its rated capacity.
“Data travels on IP network in form packets. In layman terms, the situation of core network is like over-load traffic on road. If there is heavy traffic, the speed of vehicles slows down. In case there are accidents in this traffic, all the vehicles stop. Similarly, there are too many data packet collisions in BSNL’s core MPLS network at such higher loading. Therefore data speed on BSNL network on many occasions becomes very slow adversely affecting broadband Internet,” said a BSNL official who did not want to be named.
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