- The following article is from TEPU site.
Brief Report on 23rd National Council meeting held on 16.3.2010.
As notified the meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Sri.Gopal Das, Director(HRD)
GM (SR) extendedthe welcome address.
In his introductory address the Chairman detailed as under:
As of today, the competition is very tough and the market share of BSNL has down to 15.99%. We are in the fourth position in market share. Though Telecom services are expanding, particularly on wireless segment, the Telecom Tariff is falling steadily. In whole of the World Tariff in country is the lowest and in minutes of usage also we are second lowest.
Impact of the competition result in falling of revenuw year after year. Expenses of BSNL has not shot on operational activities but on others including the staff cost. Our profit is going to impacted due to staff cost. It is the time, we are to look forward areas for improving our finance.
Even in this scenario we are in number one position on wireline and in second place in wireless in Bihar,Haryna,Himachal,Orissa and Punjab .
As on 31.1.2010, against the target 18 million in wireless we have achieved 12,65 million and in Broadband against a target of 2.5 million we have achieved 1.2.million.Remaing quantum will be completed early.
We need to concentrate on areas of opportunity to augment our resources and improve finance. Data Services provide opportunity for revenue earnings. We are to concentrate on Data Services, strengthen our Broad Band activities, Providemore Value Added Services, besides looking forward new business opportunities like sharing infrastructure, bandwidth, entering into managed services etc.
We have to ensure on quality of service. With the kind of expertise we have, we can improve this area.
The need is provisioning should be fastand complaints should be attended expeditiously.
Opening Remarks of Leader Staff Side R.Venkataraman
Thanked the Management for the its efforts in resolving Staff issues, specific attention was drawn on the following:
New Promotion Scheme
Agreeing with the demand on the Staff Side, to avoid further delay in implementation of the New Policy, theManagement had come forward to issue orders, pending approval of 9200,9850 pay scales. In order to give full effect to the reached agreement under the scheme, priority action from the management side is the need. Accordingly, the management should venture initiatives to obtain early approval on 9200 scale and issue early supplementary orders incorporating these two scale, to enable the eligible workers to derive the benefit.
New Wage Revision : Their Position.
There is a large difference between an agreement and recommendation. Though the Management Committee and the BSNL Board has approved the recommendations of the Committee, the decision to forward the same in the present form to the administrative Ministry may result with unexpected implications and thus may further delay implementation of revised wages.
Secondly, in the absence of an agreement, the recommendations are not binding one.
As such, the Management should drop the idea of forwarding the file as it is may be stopped. An agreement may got signed and the proposal forwarded to administrative Ministry.
Our questions.
Why the agreement was sent to DoT by the BSNL Management not adhering to rules?
If the management decided to send the recommendations, what is the role of recognised union and others who are party to the wage revision recommendations?
Without heeding to the words of the recognised union, the management decides to send the recommendations to DoT, why the recongnised union has not informed the employees that the wage revision file may be sent by DoT to BSNL without approval?
Why the recognised union blame the management for this lapse. ?
Non executive employees are already frustrated a lot as they have not received higher wages when executives were already paid by the management.
Anyhow non executive employees are fooled by the recognised union.. Those who voted for the recognised union must also feel that they are deprived of the benefits permanently whether in the promotion policy or in the wage revision when compared to executives. .
Pitroda Committee Recommendations
Some of the recommendations of the Committee to revitalise BSNL, are adverse. The entire workforce have been driven to react sharply. It is most unfortunate, the BSNL Management had unilaterally endorsed the proposals of Pitroda Committee even without having the least courtesy of consultation with the prime stake holders, namely, the BSNL Workers. Workers organisations and the work force cannot agree with implementation of adverse proposals that impair the Industry as well as BSNL Workers.
BSNL Intranet
Access to BSNL Intranet is limited to the level of executives. A Coloumn, namely, “Discussion Board” is available in the site. According to us, this coloumn is a platform for the visitors to exchange their views and ideas on intric and general technical issues, matters to improve customer services.
Alternatively, the discussion board is predominantly used to criticise individuals, exchange views on individual’s personal matters, a propaganda machinery of the Associations and above passing undesirable remarks against subordinate cadres, naming the cadre. The executives who are supposed to maintain rapport with their subordinates are not expected to rouse the sentiments and feelings. If this is allowed to continue, these will lead to retaliatory measures.
Misuse of the Discussion Board should be stopped forthwith. A decision has to be taken over application of disciplinary rules for improper use of the Discussion Board or the Coloumn Discussion may totally be withdrawn.
Application of Rules and Imposition of Penalties
In some circles the Managers apply the Disciplinary Rules and coerce the workers of registered unions, on selective basis, primarily aiming to create a fear phycosis in the minds of the Members of those unions who venture to bring to light or expose the wrong doings. The authority and power vested with them is abused and punitive actions are taken. The management authorities at field level are expected to have unbiased approach and are not supposed to discriminate between unions.
Had there is attempt from the side of corporate office to arrest this sort of attitude, the day may not be far for all registered unions to jointly react to stop such high handed behaviour certain managers.
Necessary instructions may kindly be sent to the filed units advising the General Managers to maintain cordiality, neutrality and o avoid favouritism and nepotism.
Committees of JCM
No standing committee meeting was held as assured and thus inordinate delay is allowed to creep in settlement of various issues. Holding of Standing Committee meting without interruption should be ensured.
No meeting of National Council Committees formed in the past is operational. For instance the designation change committee, uniform committee had not even met once. The meeting of the Promotion committee to finalise issues like upgradation of Pay Scales of Sr TOA etc has not met and processed for months together. The say that form a committee if there is no commitment should be made true.
Immediate meetings of these committees may be called and pending issues resolved.
Creation of Norms
New business strategy and area of operation like CMTS, WLL, Internet etc has surfaced and is in full swing. Necessary norms may be finalised to create posts of subordinate cadres utilised in these areas.
For consideration
There are adequate number of qualified officials in the 2nd screening test awaiting TM Promotion. In the interim, grant of LM pay Scale to these officials may be considered.
Already the issue of grant of 2nd ACP to Senior Accoutant was referred. No decision has been arrived yet. Based on the arguments and justification provided, 2nd ACP to SA may be considered.
The parameters prescribed to qualify for compassionate appointment,virtually results in denying the benefit to actually suffering families. A relook in the matter is essential. Revision of parameters to qualify for compassionate appointment may be considered.
Then the Agenda Items were taken up for discussion
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