16.04.2010:REVISION OF PENSION OF THE ABSORBED BSNL PENSIONERS RETIRED BETWEEN 1.10.2000 AND 31.12.2006: We find to our dismay that some proposals are being sent to DOT by some over enthusiastic persons and Organizations asking for the same fitment formula for revision of pension of the absorbed BSNL pensioners which was given to the Central Government employees and its past pensioners. DOT is also being asked to revise the pension w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Whatever may be their expectation out of these proposals, it appears that their references to DOT are counter productive and misplaced. One has to bear in mind that revision of pension of the past pensioners who do not get direct benefit of revision of pay scales whenever ordered, are governed under some settled principles and law. Revision of pension of past pensioners has to take place only from the date the pay scales of the serving employees are revised. Revision of pension of the past pensioners is directly linked with the revision of pay scales of the serving employees and also from the same date. Revision of pension of the absorbed BSNL pensioners is therefore due only w.e.f. 1.1.2007. It cannot be advanced to an earlier date. Let us not forget the cases of the CABs/PSUs where the pension of the absorbed past pensioners are revised following revision of pay scales of their serving employees. Already DOT has delayed revision of pension of the absorbed BSNL pensioners over one full year on the pretext of revision on presumptive CDA pay scales. Unfortunately at that time, some Unions and Executives' Associations of BSNL/MTNL continued to lend their support to this move apparently to help the unabsorbed ITS Group A Officers even at the cost of the BSNL pensioners. The proposals for CDA fitment formula w.e.f 1.1.2006 from the individuals/unions would only help the DOT to delay and deny revision of pension. Our Association had been consistently asking the DOT from the day one to revise the pension of the absorbed BSNL pensioners with the same fitment formula of 30% of the gross pension plus 78.2% of IDA and w.e.f. 1.1.2007 as granted to the serving PSU Employees by DPE. In this regard, we are hosting in our web site a detailed and elaborate write up on the subject by Shri S Ratnasubamanian, our Joint Secretary (South) to clear many doubts. [Click here for the Write Up .........]
AIBSNLREA WEB: 1604.2010.
Our Note: We appreciate efforts of AIBSNLREA and extend our full support with strength. We are also making similar demand which AIBSNLREA is making. Our letters to the authorities reflect our view. GD BDPA Ahmedabad.
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