Queries Column
Q: Promotion policy orders have been issued. Wage revision to be given effect to after DoT approval, may be shortly. Will there be any effect in FNTO referring EDP scheme now?
A: FNTO is making consistent attempts to solve important and long pending staff issues periodically. This is a last ditch attempt to get EDP scale for Sr. TOA before implementation of wage revision. The GOM approved proposal on EDP has not implemented by BSNL so far though endorsed by DoT at the time of corporatization.
Similarly FNTO is reminding and referring the following issues to authorities and as well as to Representative Union.
A. Revision of OTBP BCR Scale of TTA.
B. Revision of Phone Mechanic, cable splicer, drivers scale etc.
C. Up gradation of qualified (departmental) officials (TTA to JTO, RM to TM).
D. RELAXATION for JAO qualified officials. (in the exam).
B. Revision of Phone Mechanic, cable splicer, drivers scale etc.
C. Up gradation of qualified (departmental) officials (TTA to JTO, RM to TM).
D. RELAXATION for JAO qualified officials. (in the exam).
If representative Union takes a little more interest and authorities also consider the above issues can be settled.
Strike from 20th April 2010
1. Press conference by union on 15th April.
2. Negotiations with labour commissioner 16th.
2. Negotiations with labour commissioner 16th.
K. Vallinayagam
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