Saturday, April 10, 2010

Revision of pension of the BSNL absorbed pensioners

07.04.2010:REVISION OF PENSION OF THE ABSORBED BSNL PENSIONERS: We have been reporting that DOT is considering the proposal for revision of pension of the ex-DOT Employees since absorbed in BSNL and retired between 1.10.2000 and 31.12.2006. The proposal is under examination in DOT Finance. We have not been able to give further details, since DOT Finance was taking its own usual time to complete its exercise. We believe that DOT Finance would shortly give its views. But that is not the end of the road. We had reported at the initial stage itself that the proposal might have to finalized in consultation with other concerned Ministries like DOP&PW and Deptt of Expenditure. Therefore, no one can predict any definite time frame for settlement of the issue. After a year-long exercise, DOT had only come to the conclusion that the revision of pension has to be on IDA pattern and not on CDA pattern as was originally proposed. Other modalities which include method of fixation of revised pension are yet to be decided. From AIBSNLREA sources.

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