Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Transfer policy-court order

Subject : Judegment of hon'ble high court of AP regarding bsnl transfer policy

Judgment of Hon’ble High Court AP regarding BSNL transfer policy :

It is the stay at location irrespective of grade or post for executing the transfer of employees "in other words, Employee having longest stay at location will be transferred first". It does not matter whether his stay was as Group-C or Group-B. Click for details of AP Court

Going through the complete study of the case and pleading of BSNL management that inter-se-seniority have nothing to do for transferring the employees, it is very clear that the first criteria for transferring the employees is maximum stay at location to avoid hardship of the employees. It is not hidden that BSNL management itself has transferred many employees having least stay in the name of LDCE and retained others having stay of more than 15 to 20 years. Is it not the vested interest ?

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