Sunday, February 28, 2010

Less payment of IDA

Write-UP on Less payment of IDA to BSNL Employees getting Revised Pay scales w.e.f. 01/01/2007 over a period of last three years. (By Rakesh Srivastava EX ADG, BSNL CO)

It is brought to the notice of all the Executives/ Non-Executive Employees of BSNL whose pay has been revised in IDA scale w.e.f. 1/1/2007 that they are being paid proportionately less IDA over a period of last three years as compared to their actual Eligibility formula based on the Price Index.

All the DPE Circulars for payment of IDA w.e.f. 01/01/2007 are based on the calculation that 78.2% IDA has been merged with the Basic Pay of the Employees as is categorically clear from Para 2 of respective DPE Circulars for payment of IDA.

Para 2 of recent circular of DPE for payment of 30.9% IDA vide F.No.2(70)/2008-DPE(WC)-GL-I/ 2010 dated 15th January 2010 states as below:-

“2 The above rates of DA would be applicable in the case of IDA Employees who have been allowed revised pay scales (2007) as per DPE O.M. dated 26/11/2008. 09/02/2009 & 02/04/2009.”

Above Para clearly states that 30.9% IDA is payable to only those who have been been granted revised pay scales with 78.2% IDA Merger. This formula of 30.9% IDA is not applicable for those BSNL Employees who have been given 68.8% IDA Merger.

If a proportionate formula for BSNL Employees with 68.8% IDA Merger at the time of revision on 01/01/2007 is calculated then past IDAs for all the three years are to be revised. Current IDA w.e.f. 01/01/2010 shall work out to around 32% of IDA.

This issue was discussed by undersigned with DPE Officials whereas they stated that pay revision should have been done with 78.2% IDA Merger as per their instructions and their IDA formula is based on 78.2% IDA Merger.

In case BSNL insists on 68.8% Merger only, as is the case at present, then IDA formula for the period from 1/1/2007 to 1/1/2007 needs to be revised by DPE accordingly otherwise BSNL Employees and Pensioners shall stand shortchanged in the matter of payment of due IDA towards salary and Pension. --From Shri D.D.Mistry through e mail,Gujarat.

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