Monday, January 30, 2012

Com L.Shanmuganathan.

Tanjore Comrade L. Shanmuganathan STS(O), Telephone Exchange, Tanjore is retiring on
31 1 12.FNTOBEA wishes happy retired life.

Conciliatory meeting with Chief Labour Commissioner tomorrow

Conciliatory meeting with Chief Labour Commissioner tomorrow 
The Chief Labour Commissioner will hold a conciliatory meeting tomorrow, the 31.01.2012, between the JAC, BSNL management and the DOT. This meeting is the continuation of the one held on 22nd December, 2011. The issues contained in the Charter of Demands of the JAC, for the 15th December, 2011 strike, will come up for discussion in the meeting.

Two family pensions,family pension documents reg.-27 1 12-BSNL orders.

Tamil Nadu circle-BSNL MRS hospitals 04 01 2012


Friday, January 27, 2012

Tamil Nadu circle welfare decisions 16 1 12

CVC-steps-in-asks-DoT-to-submit-all-files-on-3g.26 1 12

his activity of entering into mutually benefiting agreement was considered as a severe  violation of the licensing agreement. When DoT issued notice to these companies, all the heads of the telecom majors met Prime Minister Manmohan Sing arguing to condone the action and ratify their “mutually benefiting agreement.”
It is now alleged in the telecom circle that these telecom companies formed cartels during the 3G auction in order to cut down the competition.. Industry circles believe that such cartelisation must have created a loss of around `20,000 crores in the final auction figures.
Now the telecom companies are lobbying hard on the TDSAT stay order, which asked DoT to produce the copies of their “illegal mutually benefiting agreements”. According to companies, such production of the agreements would “hamper the business plans.”
Daily pioneer.-CVC-steps-in-asks-DoT-to-submit-all-files-on-3g.26 1 12


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

About NE 12 pay scale

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and Com. P. Asokababu, Dy.GS, met Shri S.C. Misra, Member (Services), Telecom Commission, today the 24.01.2012, and requested his intervention for the early approval of the NE-12 pay scale, by the DOT. The Member (Services) assured to ensure early approval of the NE-12 pay scale.

Wallstreet journal-BSNL to raise bank loans.

NEW DELHI -- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. is planning to raise up to 150 billion rupees (about $3 billion) via bank loans, mainly to clear arrears to equipment and services vendors who haven't been paid for the past six months, three executives at the state-run Indian telecommunications company said.
BSNL is looking to raise 120 billion rupees-150 billion rupees through five- or seven-year term loans and has appointed SBI Capital Markets to arrange the loans, two of the executives said. This is the first time in its history that BSNL is looking to raise bank loans, they added.
Separately, BSNL has asked the Department of Telecommunications to loan it 50 billion rupees as an immediate relief, the two executives said, without elaborating on any time frame for the funds to come in.
All the three people asked not to be named.

Wallstreet journal-BSNL to raise bank loans.

BSNL orders: Holding of LDCE TTA exam 40% quota dt 24 1 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Punjab bsnl site attacked.

Now this is a bit confusing to say the least, as to why Indian websites have been attacked in the operation, but none the less it shows lack of security across more websites once again.
The attacks come from csevenbooter and all dumps vary from full username/password lists to database info and single admin logins.
As you can see in the list of attacked sites, Indian telecom giant BNSL was hacked and had a load of user and administration accounts leaked online, sadly the BNSL leak contains clear text passwords. Other sites such a the India news and a sailing website was also attacked.
See the list of sites here

Friday, January 20, 2012

BSNL-seeks-over-rs-12000-cr-loan-for-survival economic times.

NEW DELHI: State-owned BSNL, which is fast running out of cash to pay employee salaries, is looking to raise over Rs 12,000 crore long term loan, as it has depleted its reserves and desperately requires finding to meet upcoming capital and operating expenditures.

Executives in BSNL management admitted that the company was looking at banks to offer the PSU a lifeline, but denied reports that it had appointed SBI Capital Markets to arrange the loans.

ET had reported last month that BSNL, that was sitting on cash pile of over Rs 40,000 crore till March 2008, and was using its interest income to buttress its profits, may soon be forced to seek a government bailout to survive.

The telco is also learnt to have asked the government to fast track the process of refunding it about Rs 8,000 crore as the telecoms department had approved its plan to surrender its wireless broadband access spectrum in most circles. In the interim period, the telco wants a one-time grant equivalent to this amount to pay for its GSM tender for 14 million lines, expand its 3G offering and meet employee wage bills. 

BSNL-seeks-over-rs-12000-cr-loan-for-survival economic times.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

BSNL looking-to-raise-up-to-Rs.15000-crore-hires-SBI-capital

NEW DELHI: State-run BSNL, which is mulling various options to raise funds to meet day-to-day requirements, has hired SBI Capital to arrange a long-term loan of up to Rs 15,000 crore.

BSNL is looking at various options to raise funds. The company has hired SBI Capital which will help the PSU to raise a long-term loan of amount ranging between Rs 12,000 crore to Rs 15,000 crore for a period of 5 to 7 years, sources with the direct knowledge of the development said.

It may also go for a loan from Department of Telecom for Rs 5,000 crore on interest. The company is also planning to lease out its tower and network bandwidth for fund raising


Further, as part of its cost-cutting efforts, BSNL has also proposed slashing its staff strength by a third by offering voluntary retirement. The proposal is currently with the government. 

BSNL looking-to-raise-up-to-Rs.15000-crore-hires-SBI-capital

Thane relief fund-Rs, 100 deduction except staff of Cuddalore and Puducherry.

Secretary DoT appreciation to BSNL Net work-cuddalore-fury of thane

BSNL circular no. 29-IDA orders 56.7%-01 01 12

Monday, January 16, 2012

BSNL orders- provision of free pre paid for talk value Rs.200

BSNL-to-outsource-operation and maintenance of 40000-towers-cut-expenses

A committee set up under Sam Pitroda, the Prime Minis-ter’s infrastructure advisor, to find ways to revive BSNL had suggested BSNL create a separate subsidiary for tower and all other related infrastructure to monetise the assets. So far, no decision has been taken on it.
Apart from leasing out towers, the company is also banking on enterprise business to generate revenues. In a recent interview with Business Standard, chairman and managing director R K Upadhyay had said it expected to get Rs 3,000 crore from this segment in the current financial year. Besides, it has launched a drive for all-round improvement in performance. Circle revenue is being monitored and the company is looking for at least a 15 per cent increase in revenue through various means in all the circles.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

USO fund administrator says no to BSNL rural operations but we can wait for TRAI report.-.thehindubusinessline.

Earlier in December, BSNL's Chairman and Managing Director, Mr R. K. Upadhyay had written to DoT seeking support. In his letter to the department, he said that BSNL was not able to cross-subsidise the services in rural areas due to competition. “Even with the number of subscribers of rural wire lines going down, the network infrastructure is still required to be maintained at a particular optimum capacity with a certain fixed cost,” Mr Upadhyay said.
The only hope now for the PSU is to wait for the recommendations of the telecom regulator on this issue. According to sources, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) may give a proposal in favour of BSNL. In anticipation of this, the DoT has asked the USO fund administrator to seek an enhancement of budgetary allocation for the financial year 2011-12 to the extent of Rs 1,000 crore on BSNL's account.

USO fund administrator says no to BSNL rural operations but we can wait for TRAI report.-.thehindubusinessline.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Customer care or customer night mare-The Hindu Business Line.

DoT-mulling-to-set-up-pan-india-secure-network-at-Rs..450-crores- economic times

For high security of classified government communication, secured communication network is proposed to be established for fixed and wireless communication at an estimated capital cost of Rs 300 crore. Further, Rs 100 crore for five years are proposed to be earmarked for operational expenditure and Rs 50 crore for Research and Development.

"For the security of communication flowing within the country, it is desired that traffic should not flow outside the country and should be routed through National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI), a government-supported not-for- profit organisation that facilitates exchange of domestic internet traffic," the working group added.

A lot of intra-communication is classified. The security of this communication has to be ensured by alternative mechanism because neither it is advisable to wait for such a mandating and capacity building nor it may be appropriate to rely on the level of security provided by such a scheme as communication would still remain in open domain of interest, the paper said.

BSNL and MTNL would be reimbursed full capital cost they incur for building the secured communication fixed network, which is being rolled out by them on commercial basis. 

DoT-mulling-to-set-up-pan-india-secure-network-at-Rs..450-crores- economic times

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Almost all mobile towers are functioning.

Almost all mobile towers in Cuddalore SSA  and Puducherry are functioning now. Our hearty congratulations to all staff who toiled hard braving Thane cyclone to bring all towers in operation. BSNL image is going high and high in the minds of public because BSNL  has once again proved that we are reliable .
Eventhough we spent heavily towards diesel expenses, BSNL leads that none can be a competitor in providing services during crisis.
Because of  cut in drop wires in various places due to felling of trees,EB posts etc, BSNL services suffered in landline connections in some places. Our staff are working hard to restore normalcy in landline  connections in Cuddalore SSA. 

Admissibility of full pension 10 years. of service. 18 pages 04 01 2012


BSNL towers set fire by Maoists-Times of India-odisha state 05 1 2012-

BERHAMPUR: Ahead of their two-day Odisha bandh call from Wednesday, Maoists damaged at least three mobile towers in Ganjam district's Baragada police station area on Tuesday night.
Police sources said around 20 to 25 Red rebels set fire to the towers belong to BSNL and a private cellular operator at Goudagotha and Baroda villages along the Maoist-infested Ganjam-Kandhamal-Gajapati borders. They, however, could not confirm whether the same group carried out all the attacks.
This time, however, the Maoists did not blow up the towers by explosives. Instead, they brunt the cables by using the husk and kerosene, a senior police officer said.

Whether BSNL needs VRS?Thane answers.

Cuddalore district and Puducherry union territory  were most affected by Thane cyclone which lashed lon 30 12 2011. Extensive damanges are reported which may run to crores and crores. Electricity was badly affected in Cuddalore dist. Puducherry - EB services were partly restored. But in Cuddalore dist. electricity has not been given even in streets which are 100 ft from Cuddalore dist. collector residence.
EB supply has been restored in some packets only. People suffer a lot. Many people have rendered homeless due to thatched roofs  and tinned sheets blown away. This Thane cyclone is worst when comparing to Tsunami. Because tsunami caused heavy loss to human lives and crushed the fishing industry. But this cyclone caused extensive damanges to every individual in whole district of Cuddalore.

Electricity department is the most affected one because it may need more than 20000 posts for giving power supply. Transformers were also affected.

But when comparing to BSNL services in Cuddalore dist. people have started praising Cuddalore BSNL for various reasons.

On the cyclone affected day, BSNL land connections worked well where there are cases of no damage to drop wires cuts. Our mobile towers functioned well . Towers having no electricity were fed with diesel and so people communicated through cell phones. Cuddalore BSNL management has advertised in local daily Dinamalar giving landline telephone numbers for contacting and reporting of telephone faults. Free mobile charging service is done at BSNL offices because many houses have no electricity to charge cell phones.
Cuddalore BSNL management is doing all things on war footing to restore normalcy in restoring telephone connections. We face problems due to lamp posts,trees fell on our connections. Drop wires are given to staff to provide telephone connections. Our staff attends individually to tower complaints and also can look after feeding diesel to engines at various exchanges. Private operators are not having man power and so they are not in a position to look  all complaints.Becauuse of man power who are dedicated and work knowing people, Cuddalore BSNL is earning praise from every individual in Cuddalore dist. 

In Tamil daily Dinamalar wrote an article stating people turn to BSNL for services.
In Tamil daily Dinamani, BSNL services were praised  on 04 12 2011.

Because of man power, BSNL is able to cater the services of the public. At Villupuram,BSNL staff cooperated with EB staff and brought power to telephone exchange,Villupuram.BSNL earned praise due to restoring of faults and maintaining communications during cyclone Thane. In Puducherry state, our landline services were not affected.  So VRS is not essential in public sector companies because they care for the nation and for the people. If BSNL is not having enough  work force, BSNL will also face same complaints like private operators. So our man power is strength to BSNL and to the nation.

In Sikkim earthquake, BSNL services won praise.
In Leh, during heavy rains, BSNL services were restored .
In Cuddalore and Puducherry  Thane cyclone, BSNL is standing tallest among all private operators.

During crisis, BSNL flag is kept flying because of our man power. So there is no need for VRS.

Refund BWA charges and cancel illegal roaming. 10 12 2011

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

கடலூர் மாவட்ட மக்கள் பாராட்டு தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.

கடலூர், ஜன. 3: புயலின் கோரத் தாண்டவத்திற்கு மத்தியிலும் பி.எஸ்.என்.எல். செல்ஃபோன் சேவை திருப்திகரமாக இருந்தது என்று கடலூர் மாவட்ட மக்கள் பாராட்டு தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.டிசம்பர் 29-ம் தேதி இரவு புயல் தாக்குதல் தொடங்கியதும் தனியார் செல்ஃபோன் நிறுவனங்கள் தங்கள் சேவையை அனைத்து வைத்து விட்டன. மறுநாள் வெகு நேரத்திற்குப் பின்னரே சேவை தொடங்கியது. ஆனால் பி.எஸ்.என்.எல். சேவை மட்டும் தொடர்ந்து கிடைத்துக்கொண்டு இருந்தது மக்களுக்கு ஆறுதல் தரும் விஷயமாக இருந்தது. கடலூர் மாவட்டத்தில் பி.எஸ்.என்.எல். செல்ஃபோன் கோபுரங்கள் 402-ல், 247 டவர்கள் பாதிக்கப்பட்டன. இருப்பினும் கடந்த 3 நாள்களில் சுமார் 200 டவர்களை சீரமைத்து விட்டதா பி.எஸ்.என்.எல். அதிகாரி ஒருவர் தெரிவித்தார். பி.எஸ்.என்.எல். செல்ஃபோன் டவர்களும், தொலைபேசி நிலையங்களும் செயலிழந்து விடாமல் இருக்க கடந்த 4 நாள்களில் மட்டும் பி.எஸ்.என்.எல். நிறுவனம் டீசலுக்காக செலவிட்ட தொகை ரூ.30 லட்சத்தைத் தாண்டி விட்டதாக அந்த அதிகாரி தெரிவித்தார். மின் விநியோகம் சீரடைந்து விட்டால் பி.எஸ்.என்.எல். செல்ஃபோன் சேவை 100 சதவீதம் சரியாகி விடும் என்றார். தரை வழி தொலைபேசிகள் சுமார் 6 ஆயிரம் செயலிழந்துவிட்டன. இணைப்பு வயர்கள் அறுந்துவிட்டதே காரணம். இதற்காக சுமார் 200 கி.மீ. நீள வயர்கள் வர இருக்கின்றன என்றும் அதிகாரி கூறினார்.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cuddalore people- BSNL staff quarters are suffering for want of water.

கடலூர் :கடலூர் வண்ணாரப்பாளையம் டெலிபோன் ஊழியர்கள் குடியிருப்பில் மேல்நிலை நீர்தேக்கத் தொட்டி உடைந்ததால் 4 நாட்களாக குடிநீரின்றி அவதியடைந்து வருகின்றனர். கடலூர் வண்ணாரப்பாளையத்தில் டெலிபோன் ஊழியர்கள் குடியிருப்பில் 100 வீடுகள் உள்ளன. 400க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் வசிக்கின்றனர். இந்நிலையில் "தானே' புயலால் வளாகத்தில் இருந்த மேல்நிலை நீர்தேக்கத் தொட்டி இடிந்து விழுந்தது. இதனால் குடியிருப்பில் வசிப்பவர்கள் குடிநீருக்கும் அத்தியாவசியத் தேவைகளுக்கும் தண்ணீர் கிடைக்காமல் கடும் அவதியடைந்து வருகின்றனர். வெளியிலிருந்து தண்ணீர் கொண்டு வரும் டேங்கர் லாரிகளும் குடியிருப்புக்குள் வருவதில்லை. இதனால் குடிநீர் மற்றும் குளிப்பது உள்ளிட்ட அத்தியாவசியத் தேவைகளுக்கு 4 நாட்களாக தண்ணீர் கிடைக்காமல் டெலிபோன் ஊழியர்கள் குடியிருப்பில் வசிப்போர் கடும் அவதியடைந்து வருகின்றனர்.
Because of Thane cyclone in Cuddalore, water shortage is felt heavily for BSNL staff  living in Cuddalore Vannarpalayam quarters for past 4 days. This article is from Dinamalar, Tamil daily published on 03 01 2012

Hapy new year 2012.

FNTOBEA wishes happy 2012 new year to one and all in BSNL and also to others who depend on BSNL. We all wish BSNL to improve the financial position to a position of strength from now onwards.

Thane strikes cuddalore and Puducherry.

Thane Cyclone lashed Cuddalore district and Puducherry state on 30 12 2011 in the morning hours.
Thane has brought extensive damage to Cuddalore district and also Puducherry state. Wind speed ranging upto 135 km lashed Cuddalore district from midnight  to morning of 30 12 2011. Electricity was cut off. Many trees in whole of Cuddalore were broken. Cocunut trees were chopped off. Thatched houses,tinned roofings,car sheds etc. were blown. Cuddalore dist. has not seen the thane cyclone for more than 55 years. The wind of the thane cyclone centred Cuddalore . Electricity is coming to Cuddalore after a gap of 4 days.It will take some more days to restore normalcy. Tsunami brought damanges to the people in coastal areas but this Thane has brought damages to whole of Cuddalore dist. Puducherry also suffered heavily.
During cyclone days, our BSNL landconnections worked well. BSNL is trying to restore landline connections Drop wires were damaged and because of electricity posts falling on drop wires, it will take some time for BSNL to restore landline connections where damage is heavy due to trees and electricity posts falling on our drop wires. .
Our cell phones worked on those days.  The name of BSNL was spelt on that day because other operators were difficult to get. BSNL has earned a good name with the public. When crisis comes, BSNL is always there. Eventhough we may be having problems, but we have proved that BSNL is the best during crisis.
 Due to power problems this blog was not updated for past 4 days. 

IDA due from 01 01 2012.

IDA due from 01 01 2012 for BSNL employees is 4.7%.