Monday, November 11, 2013

Management calling all Unions to improve the financial postion.

Management is calling an All Union meeting to improve the financial position of BSNL.

In the talks held with the Management on 18.10.2013, on the demands for the One Day Strike, the GS, BSNLEU unhappily pointed out that the Management discusses about the huge losses that the Company is making, only when the Union demands settlement of the genuine demands of the employees. Instead, Management should make it a routine practice, to discuss with the unions and associations, regarding improving the revenues as well as quality of services, he pointed out. GS, BSNLEU strongly demanded that Management should immediately convene an all union meeting to discuss about improving the financial position of the Company. This demand was readily accepted by the Director (HR). We are informed by the Director (HR) that an all union meeting will be convened shortly, which will be attended by the CMD BSNL and other top officers. We sincerely thank the Director (HR) for this initiative.

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